Was Jesus Really A Muslim?

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1.  Jesus never said the Islamic Shahada. The Islamic Shahada is “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Messenger.” This is a confession of faith in Islam. One must state this aloud publically, even in Arabic, in order to become a Muslim. In order to be a Muslim one must believe in Allah and Prophet Mohammed so how can Jesus or anyone else who lived before Mohammed was born be a Muslim?
2.  Jesus never prayed to “Allah” but He called God His “Abba” that is “Father”. Allah states many times in the Quran that He isn’t a father to anyone neither does he have any sons.
3.  Jesus commanded His disciples to make people His disciple and BAPTIZE them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
4.  Jesus said “Salvation is from Jews” then to other nations, which was the promise of God in Genesis 22:18. (John 4:22)
5.  Jesus allowed John the Baptist to call Him “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” and did not condemn him for that. (John 2:29)
6.  Jesus foretold His death and died on a cross. (John 2:19-21; Matthew 27:42)
7.  Jesus rose from the dead! (Luke 24:44-48)
8.  Jesus started a church (that is – believers, the body of Christ) not a mosque. (Matthew 16:18)
9.  Jesus instituted a New Covenant of His Sacrifice.(Matthew 26:28
10. Jesus commanded that His disciples celebrate the Passover. (Luke 22:8)
11. Jesus never bowed toward Mecca or any direction for prayer.
12. Jesus never mentioned the importance of the “Kaaba” or a temple. (John 4:21-24)
13. Jesus never did “Ramadan daylight fasting”, but fasted “day and night”. (Matthew 4:2)
14. Jesus never hated His oppressive enemies, in fact, he loved the Romans and healed their servant. (Matthew 8:8-13)
15. Jesus never went on a pilgrimage to Mecca.
16. Jesus taught to pray in privacy when it is personally done, not like Muslims do openly. (Matthew 6:5-6)
17. Jesus taught that hand washing ritual does not contribute in true righteousness. (Matthew 15:1-11)
18. Jesus never told anybody to say "SAW" or "PBUH" after the mention or writing of a prophet's name. Jesus never did that too.
19. Jesus never warned us that the scriptures would be corrupted (He knew that God’s Word cannot be altered and God will never allow anyone to do that, because He protects them) but declared that HE FULFILLED THE SCRIPTURES! (Luke 4:21)
20. Jesus never ate camel or rabbit, because it was forbidden in the Torah (Deuteronomy 14:7)
21. Jesus never did Jihad or fought in battles. (Matthew 26:52)
22. Jesus taught confessing and believing in One God was not enough for salvation (Mark 12:28-34).

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