Haisin has met his match

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“Hi honey. How long are you working today?”

“I’m hoping I’ll be home at around six. Why?”

“I was just wondering if you were going to make it for dinner.”

“Hopefully. I will call you if I end up working later.”

“Alright. Then I’ll see you when you get home…”

“Oh, Beth?”


“…Never mind. I’ll talk to you about it tonight.”

“Oh…okay. I love you honey, stay out of trouble.”

“I will try. I love you too.” Shurn hung up and entered Silvers’ office; he didn’t bother looking up as he spoke.

“Find anything?”

“Sure, tons.”

“…Such as?”

“Read it in my report for once…” Rob was about to return the man’s reply with a sarcastic comment when the phone rang. Snatching it up, he put it to his ear while throwing a glare in Shurn’s direction but he didn’t seem to be paying attention.

“What do you want?” Whatever the person on the other end had said, it had the man soon standing and shouting into the receiver. “What? You had better not be wasting my time. I’m on my way; don’t let them out of your sight!” After slamming the phone down, he marched into the hallway.

“Where are you going?”

“They just arrested two men for speeding but they found something odd.”


“Their eyes.” He motioned with his hand to the younger man while both sped down a flight of stairs. “The pupils are split, like a snake or cats. One has yellow eyes while the other had purple.” Shurn’s eyebrows wrinkled from skepticism with a dull expression.

“Did they check if they were wearing contact lenses?”


“So…you think that these two are your aliens?”

“Should at least check it out.” Rolling his lime eyes, the two entered the lower section of the building where the cops hung out and where they detained suspects and the lot.

“They’re in there, sir.” An officer pointed them in the correct direction.

“Are they separated?”

“Separated and secured. One attempted violence when we were doing so though so we had to restrain him. The other was quite cooperative.” Silvers turned to Shurn with a smirk.

“So let’s see what the great Sonozaki can do. You can handle the tough one.”

“…I have no objections. I was figuring that much…coward.” A nerve was hit as he walked away and disappeared behind the door leading to the interrogating room.

“Overconfident, cocky, little…”

   When he entered the room, two things met his senses immediately; the man sitting before him restrained to a chair that was bolted to the floor was not happy and there was that large mirror on one wall that Silvers was probably standing behind, watching every minute, not that he cared. Turning his attention to the ‘alien’, Shurn stood silent as he yelled at him in a language he would say sounded close to Japanese but it wasn’t because he couldn’t understand it. Male, looks in his mid-twenties, his hair was dark; either dark brown or black, he couldn’t tell in this lighting. Glaring purple eyes kept his eye contact and sure enough, his pupils were close to a cat’s.

“Come again?” The man grit his teeth and spat out the following words.

“Where. Have. You. Taken. The. Prince!” Prince? He blinked twice before replying slowly.

“What prince?”

“Rahun, crown prince! Where have you taken him?! If you have harmed him in any way-“

“Threats are neither necessary nor effective. One of your position does not really hold such a right, you being bound to a chair and all.”

“Oh? And who said I was bound? I was merely waiting for my capture to visit me…” He began straining against the leather straps and one by one they snapped like rubber bands. Once he was loose, he crossed the room in three steps and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. “You will tell me where he is.”

“Or what?” Shurn’s tone held no interest nor did his eyes show any fear which caught Haisin off guard. “If you are making another threat, you better hurry; you’re wrinkling my shirt.”

“…I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you.”

“Oh dear, how absolutely terrifying…I can see how you keep your master safe with your scariness…”

“So you have no value in life? Would you like to test that theory?”

“One; you will be shot down if you killed me. Two; I would not let that happen. And three; I would rather you get out of my face.” Shurn’s hands gripped Haisin’s arm as his foot swept past the alien’s, knocking him off balance. Taking advantage, he somehow managed to flip him and then held Haisin in place on the floor with his arm locked in an arm-bar. “On a side note, you wrinkled my shirt. I shall have to iron it now because of your rudeness.” He tried fighting against the man but every time he moved, Shurn twisted his arm more. The door had opened and four police officers entered with guns drawn.

“Sir, are you alright?”

“…Fine. Take him and lock him somewhere where he won’t knock the wall down.”

“Yes sir.” Before he let Haisin up, he murmured softly in his ear that made him stiffen.

“Do anything I don’t like and I can’t guarantee your prince’s safety…I went easy on you…”

“You devil.”

“Don’t think I won’t.” He shot him a cold look as they marched him out the room.         

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