Calling Speed Dial

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                                                                  Chapter Nineteen

        The reunion with Haisin was tearful for the prince. Yusei had never seen him so comforted by his presence before but who could really blame the reaction? The drive back to the house  was long and spent in somber silence. As he pulled into the driveway, a black Ninja motorcycle was parked there; Shurn had returned. A dark sense of dread fell over his heart, like a weight, as they got out. Yusei found his childhood best friend in the dining room, staring at the floor with deadened eyes that glanced up at him when he stepped foot into the room. 
"How is Haisin?" 
"Fine. How are you doing?" 
"What does it matter?" Holding up his hands, Yusei let his question die away. 
"Want coffee?"
"I think I have a few Monsters in the fridge..."
"Yusei, no. I'm not here to drink caffiene and laugh and be merry."
"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood a bit."
"My brother has been shot, arrested, and we have no idea if he's even alive. You couldn't lighten the mood if you filled the house with butterflies and glitter." 
"I have no idea what to say to that."
"Then shut up and let me sulk quietly." 
"There has to be something we can do. They'll have to take him to the hospital obviously, maybe we could break him out."
"That could just kill him faster, depending on how injured he is. And he's in custody so the police are sure to be there. I can't even show my face now, I'll have to stay below the radar..." 
"The disadvantages of having a twin." Shurn dropped his chin into his open palm; the pointer of his opposite hand tapped violently at the table.
"I guess the first step would be to find out what hospital."
"You just don't give up, do you?"
"I learned that from you." Slipping his phone from his pocket, he pressed the 4 key, acting as a speed dial.

        Emily lept off the couch, running to the two. 
"You guys are safe!"
"Emily!" She grabbed the prince and guard into a tight group hug.
"I was so worried..."
"What are you doing here?"
"Shurn drove me. He filled me in on what's going on. Are you okay, Haisin?"
"Yes, but only because of Sasuke's sacrifice." Her head bobbed once; Rahun took her hand, eyebrows wrinkled. 
"All of this is our doing. I cannot apologize enough for the pain our arrival has caused."
"Then let's put this all back to right." The three turned to Yusei's voice; phone in hand, he entered the room with a grin. "It doesn't matter who is in the right and who is in the wrong. Pointing fingers or blaming oneself won't change what has happened, so let's get out of that mindset. 'Kay?" 
"How can we put this back together? The situation has lost control." Shurn followed after him with arms crossed and a salty expression.
"I know what hotel Sasuke is at for his injuries and he's, for the moment, stable." 
"You mean hospital?"
"My wording is besides the point." The man lifted a finger, pointing it at the agent. "The point is that we found him and that he's alive."
"How did you manage that in under ten minutes?"
"How do you know just in general?" Emily took a step towards him with a puzzled expression. 
"I have my connections and sources. My reach is quite far and I don't even have to step outside." He laughed at his own joke, recieving a few uncertain glances. Grabbing his friend by the elbow, Shurn led him away from the others speaking in a dark tone.
"Who is this 'source' of yours and can we actually count on him?" 
"You already know and trust her, so I think she is." 

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