Make up your mind

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   Two days slowly came and went. Not sure what else to do with him, she continued to care for his wounds. Leaning back in the chair she was sitting in and crossing her jean covered legs, she kept her eyes on the weird person. Was she going crazy? No human has yellow eyes like those. If he wasn’t a human, what was he? Not that it really mattered. The two were stuck with each other for a while. The people in her life always told her to be more wary about others but she didn’t care. Situations adjust faster when you don’t really give a flying fart and life is a whole lot easier when you adjust to the situation given to you with no complaints.

“…Haisin…?” Startled, she quickly scooted her chair to the couch.

“Hello?” Those strange eyes peered up at her, brow wrinkling in confusion. He didn’t seem to know what to say or do while he stared aimlessly at her. But it’s not like she had a whole lot to say either. Several minutes timed as they watched the other. “Um…How are you feeling…?” The followed look on his face was somewhere around the ‘it talked!’ shock that made her feel more awkward. Golden eyes down, he searched for words and then fumbled clumsily through them.


“Are you sure or not?” Emily lightly giggled. His demeanor was like a lost kitten; vulnerable and confused while remaining adorable.

“I…I believe so…Was that an accurate form of word?” Pondering where he was from, she soaked a rag in cold water.

“Can you sit up for me?” With a weak nod, his arms tucked themselves under his body and slowly hoisted himself into a sitting position with a small groan. Unwrapping his chest, she pressed the rag against the scabbed burn. “So what’s your name?” Sighing, he looked past her.

“Rahun, son of Umshy, son of Sumshy, son of-“

“Hold it. Are you seriously joking? I just asked your name.” That flustered expression returned.

“That is my name. Your way of introduction is different? I apologize if I was rude.”

“Where the heck are you from, Ra…Ra-?”


“Right. You’re not being rude, I don’t think, but where are you from? With those eyes I’d say you looked like an alien.” A short laugh escaped her but quickly died away.

“My home world is called Vegure.”

“…Home world?” Rahun simply nodded.

“Was my answer satisfying or shall I go into more detail?”

“If you’re an alien, how can you speak English? Don’t you have your own weird language?”

“Upon eye contact, I can reach into one’s mind and instantly learn their language. That is a gift that belongs only to the royal family.”

“A royal alien…?”

“I do not understand this ‘alien’ term you keep on using…”

“It…It means…” What did it mean? She knew the answer so why couldn’t she remember?

   A creak on the floor behind her caused her to turn. A man slightly older than Rahun stood there looking down at her through stern violet eyes. Dark strands of hair fell down his back; a handful tumbled across his face like the wind had placed them there. Blood trailed down his bare left arm and he looked exhausted.

“Prince, I have been searching for you.”

“You are bleeding on the floor of my hostess.”

“Who…is this?”

“Haisin, he was sent here with me.” Rahun grumbled.

“For your protection, your highness.” That thought pinged in her mind. Swiveling in her seat, she stared at him.

“Prince? You’re a prince?”

“Regretfully so.” She couldn’t hold it back; a howl of laughter ran from her lungs. The mental image was too funny!

“Don’t mock his highness!” Haisin shouted with a hint of anger which Rahun was quick to silence him with a harsh comment.

“I’m—I’m sorry…That was rude of me.”

“You have an advantage over us. What are you called?”

“Right, sorry. My name is Emily Holder, um…daughter of Timothy…?”

“Are you sure or not?”   

The picture is Rahun.

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