Talks over coffee

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   Shurn stared through her as she answered each question as best she could without giving anything about Rahun and Haisin up.

“-I stopped at Best Buy than came home.”

“Why did you go there?”

“This doesn’t have anything to do with the case. I just had to buy a new phone.”

“Why?” The question came stern and caught her off guard causing her heart to quicken. She couldn’t tell him the prince had broken it. “What happened to your other one? Did it get broken?” Emily could tell by his tone that he could sense her sudden uneasiness. He was attempting to corner her with this third-degree act; he knew she knew something or he didn’t and was trying to unwittingly get her to give herself away.

“Yes, I dropped it at the cabin and it broke.” Looking at her over his mug of dark coffee as the unimpressed look crossed onto his face, the air stilled; did he know she was lying?

“I see.” The sound of him setting the empty cup down lightened her ears while watching him stand.

“…That’s it?”

“Yes. I will call if I need to ask further questions. Here.” He handed her a card that she examined thoroughly. “If you come across any information that can help us, call.”

“Is that a suggestion or a command?” Shurn’s mouth twitched while twisting the doorknob.

“A recommendation.” He was nearly out the door when a noise caught their ears; a sneeze followed by another.

“That…was my cat.”

“You own a cat?”

“Y-Yeah. He’s shy of strangers so he’s always off hiding somewhere…he has allergy problems…”

“It sounded more like a person though.”

“Nope! Just me here. Please, I have an appointment today. I have to start getting ready.” His eyebrow had flown above the other as she managed to get him out in the hallway. “I’ll make sure to call if I find anything out! I hope I helped.”

“…Ever so slightly…” He turned to leave but mumbled something back to her before disappearing down the stairs. “You should get your ‘cat’ some allergy pills so he doesn’t bother the neighbors…” If that sentence had been written down, the word ‘cat’ would have been underlined three times. Closing the door, Emily rested her back against it feeling relived that he was finally gone. Did he know? If he did, would he report back to his superiors?

“Has he gone?” Rahun’s head rounded the corner with a sniffle.

“Yes. What part of ‘don’t make a sound’ did you not understand?”

“I apologize but it was too sudden to do anything…”

“All you have to do is pinch your nose to silence it!”

“The prince apologized, what more do you wish from him? You should be grateful for that much.”

“No, don’t anger her more than she already is…”

“You know what? I need a break.”

“Break? Where are you going?”

“On a walk to cool off. Stay here and don’t make a mess.”

“What of your appointment?”

“That was a lie.” She escaped before they could make a word more. Several minutes of silence floated between the two.

“I wanted to listen to the radio again…”

“Which is in the car.”

“She referred to a walk which would not include the car. We could go and listen to the radio!”

“My lord, need I remind you that she instructed us to remain here.”

“We won’t be going that far. I know where she put the key.”

    That much stress was getting to her. Messily tying her hair back, she strode the streets with steam coming out of her ears. The whole morning was ridiculous! First, Rahun demanding breakfast than Sarah calling and that FBI agent making a house call. It was too much for her head to handle. Needing something to drink and thankful she remembered her wallet; she stole away to Starbucks for some refreshment.

“Hey!” Turning she spied someone she slightly recognized sitting out in the sun was some kind of iced coffee.

“You’re the guy from Best Buy from the other day. Yu-Yu…?”

“Yusei. How’s your phone working?”

“Oh, it’s doing real fine. Still in one piece.”

“That’s good.” He replied with a laugh and grin. “Ya know, you got my name but I never got yours.”

“…Emily. I don’t mean to be blunt but are you going to seat me down and try impressing me with pretty words?”

“Ha! Nah, I already got me a pretty little lady. Besides I’m not clever with words, whenever I tried flirting I sounded like a tongue tied beaver so I gave it up. But do feel free to keep me company. I’m oh so lonely.”

“Aren’t a lot of people?”

“You too?” He sounded shocked as she plopped down in the chair across from him. “What happened to those two guys you were with yesterday?”

“They’re still around but you can’t believe what a pain in the neck they are.”

“I bet I can’t…I’m usually the one who’s the pain in the neck.” Sticking his straw in his mouth, he slurped up his drink and ended with a dramatic ah. Yusei’s blue eyes gazed at her kindly. “But how so? They roommates?”

“For the time being, yes…But I’m used to being by myself. Now these two are invading my home and space.”

“Ah, I know that feeling. They’re always touching your stuff or breaking something or making a mess. Quite obnoxious.”

“Amen. I don’t know how long they’ll be staying with me either.”

“I guess the best way to cope is to set rules, make sure you get time by yourself at least once a day, and sing.”


“Yeah! It works for me; it takes your mind off your troubles. Or talk to yourself.”

“I can’t sing, my voice makes the dead roll in their graves.” He chuckled while tapping his cup to an inner rhythm. “But I should get going, those two are like children; they can’t be left alone too long.”

“Alrighty. Hope to see you around! Stay safe.”

“Bye.” Feeling better, she hurried back hoping they didn’t destroy her apartment too much. “Guys, I’m back. Huh?” The place was empty. Slightly panicking, she checked everywhere but Rahun and Haisin were gone. “Oh crap.” Was all that came to mind when she saw her car keys were gone off the hook in the kitchen. Racing out to the garage, she found her Honda was also missing.          

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