Chapter 5 - Versace

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The time was now 6:45. I had killed some of today's time by playing my Xbox.

Call of duty is kind of addictive ya know?

Since it was almost 7 o'clock. I decided to get ready for the party early.

I wasn't going to wear what I had already put on because it was too basic for a house party. :/

I cut my game off, getting out of the chair I had been sitting in for the past few hours.

I went straight to my closet and sighed.

"I gotta be on my fly shit." I said to myself, scanning my closet.

I then spotted my black leather long sleeved Versace shirt with a brown tiger's face printed on the front.

I also grabbed a pair of jet black Denim jeans.

"Yeah. I'm on to something here." I smiled ,spreading the clothes out on my bed.

I walked back over to my closet, grabbing my construction timberland boots and to top it off I grabbed my black SnapBack with 'dope' written on it in also had gold spikes on it.

I smirked to myself.



After I was done showering I put on my shirt and pants and looked at myself in my full body mirror.

"Fly as fuck!" I said.

I then went over to my dresser, grabbing my gold diamond stud earring, pushing it in my ear and quickly brushed and picked my hair.

I then put my hat on backwards and then quickly put my socks and shoes on.

Last but not least, I sprayed some nice smelling chalone on and took one last look at myself.

"Not bad."

I checked the time on my wall clock it. Was 7:25.

Right on time.

I quickly jogged down the stairs and towards the door.

"Bye mom, be back later!" I quickly yelled hoping to get out of the door before she said something.

"Boy wait!" my mom called out.

I let go of the door knob.

"Damn!" I huffed to myself ad walked to the kitchen.


She looked at me up and down and frowned. "where the hell you going all dressed up?"

"Um no where special. just to the movies." I lied.

"With who?"

"Um, Daniel and a couple other friends."

"Mmm. what y'all seeing?"


Damn. what's a movie that's out???

"Um we're seeing the silent ones." I quickly said.

"That scary movie?" my mom asked.

I nodded. "yeah."

"Mm ok. You need some money?" she asked.

I shook my head. "nah I'm good ma."

"Well alright, have fun."

I awkwardly smiled. "um, ok see you later."

I then walked out of the kitchen and out of the front door, sighing in relief.

"That was easier than I thought." I said to myself.

I looked up and saw a car parked In front of my house.

It was Daniels car.
I thought he wanted me to meet him at his house?

I jogged up to the car and opened the backseat door, since Chris had already taken the front seat.

I got in the backseat with Gregory and Sean.

"About time man. it's 7:35 nigga" Daniel said cranking the car up.

"You said meet you at your house at seven thirty though." I said.

"That was 5 minutes ago." Gregory In putted.

"So? it would have taken me atleast 5 minutes to walk yo your house anyways."

"Man whatever lets just go." Sean said.

Daniel then pulled off, heading towards Vic's house.

"I got to give you props though man, yo swag on point bruh." Gregory said glancing at my clothes.

"Fuck nigga you gay." Sean blurted causing me to chuckle. "Telling a nigga they shit look good."

"What? I ain't gay! I just like what he got on, damn." Gregory said.

I shook my head.

Sean sucked his teeth. "what ever dude, that shit still gay like I said."

"Whatever." Gregory sighed.

I looked out of the window as we passed other houses.

Hopefully this party goes good...

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