Chapter 8 - catfisher

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"My real name is shay miller" shay said looking down.

I then froze and felt my heart drop into my stomach.

then suddenly I felt my whole mood change.

I frowned and backed away from her a step. "Wait. What? Your not shay love?"

"Yes. No. I mean I am the person from Kik. But I'm really shay miller and I don't live in Chicago I live here...." shay said giving me a saddened look.

I shook my head. "So. All of that was a lie? Us? You? Saying I love you!! Everything??"

Shay sighed and looked into my eyes. "Look. I'm sorry I just. I just I mean I didn't mean for it to go this far. Its like I loved the attention from you. I just didn't.... ugh I don't know."

I frowned and shook my head at her. "Wow.....I cant believe this shit."

She stepped up to me and tried to reach out to me but I Yanked away and stepped back. "Don't fucking touch me. I swear to God." I said feeling my sadness turn into anger.

I cant believe after all this time. Everything was a LIE. Does she know how stupid that bullshit makes me look? I fucking told her EVERYTHING about me. My personal shit and all.

"Trevor I'm sorry!" Shay said with her voice cracking as if she wanted to cry.

"You know what save that bullshit. I fucking gave you my all to find out I was being lied to! I'm fucking hurt and the shit makes me look dumb as fuck thinking all this stuff was real! I don't even know what to think right now."

I clinched my jaws wanting to slap the shit out of her.

"I'm sorry ok! I didn't mean for it to go this far! Just please....I'm sorry."

I then noticed she had started crying.

I quickly looked at her with a wicked frown. "The fuck you crying for? You wasn't crying when i was wasting a year and a half of my life on a relationship with you that wasn't even real! You can save those shitty ass tears because I don't give a fuck."

"Stop please I really didn't mean to-"

Before I knew it I had raised my hand slapping her across the face.

When she stumbled back and hit the ground my frown faded and my mouth dropped in shock.

Did I just do that?!

She laid on the side of the street holding her face crying and looking at me with a pleading face. "I said I was sorry ok!!' She cried.

I then saw sean and Daniel hop out of the car running over to us.

"Aye fool!" Sean said looking down at shay. "The fuck wrong with you?!"

Daniel helped shay up. "Why did you hit her?"

I then realized she had a slight hand print bruise on the right said of her cheeck.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it. My anger just took over me and-"

"Daaaaaamn she got a hand mark on her face! Oooo!" Sean cooed with his fist to his mouth.

"What happened!!" Daniel asked.

"I'm shay..... from Trevor's Kik. But-"

"You catfished him?" Daniel cut her off.

She sighed and looked down, wiping her left over tears away. "Yea..."


"No matter what. You still should have neva' put ya hands on her. That shit green as hell." Sean said.

"I know. And I'm sorry about that shay. It was just so much. Do you know how much I THOUGHT I loved you? I thought about you all day and night like I fucking talked about you 24/7. I mean I actually was going to save up just to fly out to Chicago to get to you And your not even in Chicago. You where in the same fucking city as me the whole time, playing the fuck out of me. And I feel like I lost everything because you where everything to me. But it was all a lie..." I shook my head and deeply sighed. "I just cant believe this man."

"Damn girl you fucked this mane up." Sean said.

I gave Him a straight look.

"I truly am sorry Trevor." Shay apoloyized.

"You know what. Fuck it. I just wanna go home." I said leaving the scene and walking to the car getting in the backseat with Greg who was knocked out.

Sean and Daniel followed behind me shortly.

Sean got in the back also and Daniel got in the drivers seat.

"What was all that bout?" Chris asked.

I shook my head and rubbed through my hair, taking my hat off. " I don't even wanna talk about it bruh."

My Kik Girl| Trevor JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now