Chapter 6

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Soma's POV

I was told that we have a welcome party and they kind of ordered me to wake my very very cute imouto. I opened her door and slowly walked up to her bed.

"Sora, wake up." I shook her.
"*yawn* Ahh Onii-chan, can't i just sleep?" She groggily asked me.
"No. It'd be rude to them because they prepared a party just for us. We should at least attend and thank them."
"Okay. But----- you will have to carry me, i am tired....." She whined.

So i did that and went to the said room. I sat down next to Tadokoro and laid my imouto in my lap to rest for a while.

"Ha! What a coincidence, we also have the same dorm."
"H-hai!" She stuttered with a gloomy tone.

"Waaaa! So cute!!! She looks so peaceful as she sleeps."
"Quiet down! She might wake up! Yuki baka!!!!!!!"
"Hey! Stop fighting in my room!"

We just watched as they cooed at my sister, as they fought and bicker around.

"Hi there! Welcome to the Polar Star Dormitory! I am Isshiki Satoshi. I am the ONLY second year in here though so i am your senpai." He said.

And so we ate and drank, we laughed all night long. But then.....

"Onii-chan! I cannot find Isa-chan" she sniffed which got the attention of EVERYONE even though they're drunk.
"Ahhh gomen. I placed it on the bed earlier. Here you go!" Senpai gave it to her.
"A-arigatou! Ano........." She trailed on.
"Isshiki Satoshi" Senpai said as he noticed she was waiting for his name.
"Ummmmm...... Minna-san, can i have you as my big brothers and sisters?" She blushed.
"Of course!" "Yeah!" "Sure!"  "Why not?" "Okay!"

She giggled as she heard them answer at the same time.
"Yehey! I have one more family! I already have 4 big sisters and 4 more big brothers excluding Onii-chan!" She cheered and hugged them one by one.
"Ne, Sato-niisan, why aren't you wearing clothes?" She tilted her head in confusion.


~timeskip brought to you by Satoshi's apron dance

Sora's POV

Onii-chan along with Gumi-neesan went to a club called Don RS while i am walking around the school.

•After a few minutes•

I saw Erina-neechan and Hisako-neesan with a girl and boy. I decided to go and hug onee-chan.
"Erina-neechan! Hisako-neesan!" I ran to them and hugged them and i clinged to Erina-neechan as i looked at the two in front of us.
"Good morning Sora-chan!" They simultaneously greeted me.
"Ohayou!" I greeted back.
"Waaaaa! You're really so cute. I am Alice and this is my aide Ryo-kun." The girl told me.
"Alice-neesan? Ryo-chan? Can i call you that?"
"Yes you can!" Alice-neesan hugged me TIGHT...
"Ojou, maybe you should let her go." Ryo-chan said.
"Hehehe gomene..."
"Ummmm...... Sora-chan can i ask you a question?" Hisako-neesan asked me. I nodded as a sign to say yes.
"Why do you call Erina-sama  as Erina-neechan but ours is
-neesan? Also with Kurokiba-san? You usually call them -niisan according to Isshiki-sama."
"Ehhhh... Eto....... It is because i don't see him as a big brother type. N-not that it is a bad thing or anything. And for Erina-neechan....... Because she's my VERY FIRST big sister. And i hope for her to be my future sister-in-law..." She whispered the last part [ THE ITALIC PART] that no one besides Ryo heard it who decided to keep it to himself.
"Well, i must go now. Bye-bye Erina-neechan, Hisako-neesan, Alice-neesan and R-ryo-chan." She blushed along with Ryo. She looked down and started to back away. But before she actually left, she waved and showed them a very cute smile and left...

3rd POV

"C-could it be that she likes Ryo?" Erina thought out loud.

"Ehhhh... Eto....... It is because i don't see him as a big brother type. N-not that it is a bad thing or anything."

"--- and R-ryo-chan." She blushed along with Ryo.

"Hmmmm.... It is possible." Alice said as the Nakiris thought of a scenario.

Ryo came home from work. He shouted "I'm home!"
"Welcome home sweetie." A mature looking Sora said. Sora smiled and they both started to lean in. Their foreheads touched each other and Sora slung her hands around his neck as they look into each other's eyes and started to ki--

The Nakiris both blushed at what they thought and looked at Ryo.
"What?" He asked.
The Nakiris shook their heads and slapped their cheeks...


Sora continued to wander around the school. As she looked to the sides, she saw a sweet shop.[ I don't know if there is something like that but just pretend there is. ]
Sora went to the shop and bought ALL kinds (like 2 of each)
of sweets there is.
The paperbags which consists the sweets covered her face so she kind of struggled to walk with it on her face. Not before long she bumped into someone.

"G-gomenasai! I-i didn't see you." Sora apologised.
"Ahhh it's alright! Let me help you there." The man said.
Sora took a glance at the man and saw a chubby man who has black hair.
They were putting back the sweets in the paperbags when...
"Isami!" Someone shouted.
"Onii-chan, come help us."  'Isami' said.
"Is it alright? I don't want to bother you two. After all, it's my fault." Sora said.
"It is alright. A gentleman always helps a lady in need." A blonde man said. "Takumi Aldini at your service. This is my brother Isami."
"You're italian?" Sora asked.
The two was surprised that she realized that just by hearing their names. "Yes, we are." Isami answered.
Sora took one more glance at Takumi and blushed.....
"Ne, can i call you Isa-nii and Taku-chan?" She asked.

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