~*Chapter 26*~

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It's been a couple of weeks now and King has fully settled in. He's still learning his new routine but he seems happy. The twins call him big brother King all the time and Michael has been teaching them how to look after each other. Michael and I dont talk he stays busy with the kids which I love. It's still taking me time to get through this but I think it's all going to work out for the better. With Michael entertaining the kids most of the time I've had time to fully quit my stripping job and am on the way to opening my own salon soon. Everything was falling into it's right place. I was or am still slightly bitter at Michael for what he did to me. That will never leave my mind but I am trying to forgive him because I still love him and want to be able to have a comfortable and stress free co-parent relationship. Today Michael took the kids and will be bringing them back some time tomorrow since it's Friday. Since I'm kid free I decided to go out and enjoy myself a little. I invited my co-workers Brian and Michelle and Chris and Shay but Shay decided to stay in the house tonight and told Chris to keep an eye on me, whatever that means. 

"Aye sis you ready to go" Chris yelled as he entered my spacious 2 bedroom apartment.

"Ummmmmm yes" I lied as I was still curling my hair and hadn't gotten dressed yet.

"Man you not even dressed" He smacked his lips as he entered my en suite bathroom and spotted me still in my Batman pajama shorts and shirt.

"I will be I just have to finish my hair and put my dress on calm your tits" I rolled my eyes grabbing a new piece of hair to curl.

"Sis this my first night out without Shay pregnant ass cussing me out every 5 seconds and we're going to spend half of it waiting on you to finish getting ready" He huffed sitting on my bed.

"You're such a baby" Chris was always impatient.

"Who that" Chris immediately sat up when he heard three knocks on my front door.

"That's just Brian and Michelle you can let them in and while you're out their grab that bottle of Tequila out of the fridge please we need to pre-turn up" I got excited to finally go out and be on the other side of the stage.

"Aye" He stuck his tongue out as he exited my room.

"The party is here" Michelle loud mouth yelled as she walked into my room.

"Heyyyyy" Sometimes Michelle could bring out the ratchet in me and I just knew she would be around just like Shay.

"Look what I got you" Brian came from behind Michelle with a bottle of Apple Brandy.

"Oh my gosh" I grabbed the bottle from him. "Okay but we all about to take shots of tequila" I grabbed the tequila bottle that was resting in Chris' hands.

"Okay we really about to get lit" Michelle went to the kitchen to grab the shot glasses.

"Damn Sash you not dressed at least" Brian sat on my bed and started flicking through the channels.

"I will be give me a second geez" I groaned walking back into the bathroom. "These niggas about to blow my high" I mumbled

"Speaking of high" Chris stood at the bathroom door with a tube in his hand.

"What's this" I asked as I grabbed the tube.

"That OG Snoop" He grinned.

"Yes I love you here roll it up" I handed it back to him.

"Okay who ready for shots" Michelle came back in with a shot glass for everyone.

"Turn Up" I set everyone's glasses on the counter and pour the liquor into each one. "Come on so I can get dressed" As soon as I said that Chris and Brian were in the bathroom as fast as lightning.

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