~*Chapter 16*~

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"We moving y'all stuff in tomorrow" I looked over him shocked.

"Why so soon" I asked.

"I wanna know y'all safe" I could tell he was lying but I'll go along with it.

"Well you better call the crew because I'm not moving anything" I joked.

"Shit I already informed them" I started laughing. We pulled up to the apartment and got on. Ty came and wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm glad I got you back" He kissed the side of my head. We walked into the apartment and the girls were laid out on the floor. Honey was on the couch drooling.

"I should slap her with a pillow" He laughed and picked up one of the girls and I did the same. These girls are getting too big to carry. We laid them in their beds. I turned on their night light and walked out leaving the door cracked. We walked in my room and sat on the bed.

"Oh I almost forgot I got somebody I want you to meet tomorrow" I looked at him sceptical. Somebody can mean a pregnant ex or a baby. He started laughing.

"Naw don't even think like that you'll find out tomorrow" I shrugged and got ready for bed. I went and took a long shower washing away tonight's events. I got out and put on my pjs. I was so tired I couldn't wait to lay in my soft bed. When I came out Ty was already laid out on my bed watching A Haunted House. He had no shirt on making a smile form across my lips.

"Yea make yourself comfortable" I playfully rolled my eyes and got in my bed.

"You like it" He pulled my body towards him.

"Mhm go to sleep I have a lot of packing to do in the morning" I yawned getting comfortable. He didn't say anything he just watched me fall asleep.


I woke up around 5 in the morning. Everyone was still sleeping so I began to pack everything. Today was Friday so the girls have school today. I picked out their outfits and went back to packing as much as I could before they woke up. Ty woke up before them and made breakfast which I thought was extremely sweet of him. Instead of me getting them ready and taking them to school he did it for me. I took that as an opportunity to pack the girls clothes and stuff. the house was almost done when Ty came back.

"The crew should be here soon I just called Chris and he's on his way with the moving truck" I nodded packing my work clothes in my gym bag for tonight.

"Are you still stripping at Magic City" He asked surprised.

"Yeah only for a little while longer I'm almost done with school and I can start working at a salon then" He sighed rubbing his head.

"You know I can help you with that" I shook my head. He said I can be independent I have to do this on my own.

"No this is something I have to start on my own I can't take your help" I finish packing without him saying anything else. I felt a little bad but I have to be independent I can't rely on him. He helped me pack making the process quicker. We finish packing just as everyone arrived.

"Aye whaddup sis" Chris came and engulfed me in a bear hug. I laughed pushing him off of me.

"Hey Chris" I walked around and gave everyone else a hug greeting them.

"Damn you got a lot of shit" Trell whined.

"Stop being a punk and grab some boxes" I said about to grab a box but Ty stopped me.

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