Peer pressure

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(Sorry if its spelled wrong^^)

Ok so my advice for peer pressure is:

1.don't give in

2.tell them you have to do something

or your starting a job and they test you for that (drugs, alcohol, etc.)

3. Stay abstinent!!!!!!

4. It rly depends on what it is like for instance if its like, talking to your crush, DO IT use it as an excuse be like " it was a dare to come over and talk to you so" and start off like that maybe become friends, anyway off subject, sorry

5. If its like sex or something don't give in say your not ready or I don't want to get pregnant

6. If you really don't want to do it say that, be very clear and say " I'm not doing this, this, or that" make sure they get that then they won't bring it up, unless of course you bring it up then they might but anyway off topic again

7. It's your life don't let other people live it for you. Don't spend your life trying to be someone your not because life's to short to be someone else. Be yourself even if that means being alone because secretly people will respect you for that and look up to you even if they deny it

That's it thanks for reading! have any suggestions comment I will obviously do it! And as always wanna talk I'm here!

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