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Eww I hate bullies, I'm bullied so I know from experience, that they suck. honestly they are just assholes looking for attention. so lets get started!

1. Some advice (it may sound stupid but, it helped me a lot) try ignoring them or simply saying "cool" "that's great" "awesome" they will realize you don't care and stop (warning they may keep doing it day after day you just have to keeping doing that)

2. NEVER hit first. (I have anger issues so I always punched people when I got pissed DONT hit first, obviously if they hit first, beat them up then say they hit first it was clearly self defense) but honestly don't hit first its a lot easier when you don't.

3. Only use insults when they are true. Example: (my bully always says how pretty she is and brags about her four boyfriends! one day I had enough) I pointed out that she is 12 and that I wouldn't brag about her boyfriends to save my life cause honestly have you met them? Everyone laughed she got mad and ignored me the rest of the day

4. If they call you names (ugly, fat, nasty, stupid, etc.) ignore them read a book, draw, do homework anything to distract you from them, if you don't make eye contact, don't look, don't talk, they will eventually get bored and stop

5.if it gets really bad tell the teacher or if you don't want to be a 'rat' then make it obvious to the teacher or principle etc. if they tease you casually walk over to where the teacher can hear it

That's all I have! if it doesn't stop message me, and always know if you wanna talk I'm here!

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