Teachers you hate

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Ugh omg teachers suck. um hmm well I can honestly say when I don't like a teacher they know I don't like them. So usually when you don't like a teacher it's because they are strict, you feel they are mean to you, or usually cause you don't like the subject (which I can't help by the way) lets get started!

1. Ok when a teacher is strict try cracking some jokes (Example: my teacher is very um umm how do would you say awkward? so when he drops something he's all ways how clumsy me! and picks it up with his pinky pointing up so I tried an English accent "Pinkies up," and he laughed-it wasn't funny but, he's old so he thought it was)

2. Try to talk to them get to know them a bit

3. Always get homework turned in on time they always like kids like that

4. Try being the teachers pet (that sounds bad but it works trust me)

5. DONT be sarcastic always have a positive attitude toward teachers

That's it for now! comment suggestions, message me, ask questions, etc!.

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