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Nate P.O.V
I smile at Kass. "Too bad she decided to leave" she says and looks away "sometimes i feel like she never wanted me, like i was a mistake" i could feel my heart break. "No. No. Don't you fucking say that Kass. You're not a mistake" i see her turn and look at me "im happy you're alive. Plus if you were a mistake, you'd be the best mistake out there" she giggles "wow" i chuckle and smile at her.  "What do you wanna do tomorrow?" I ask her "i don't know, tomorrow is Sunday.. and i do drugs on Sunday" i just look at her "what?!" I yell. She just laughs "im kidding, you should have seen your face" i just roll my eyes "hahah funny i know" i say chuckling. "I don't know, we can go shopping, go eat, or go grocery shopping " she says "are you saying i don't have food? Cause you're right" i chuckle. I check the time and its 11:25pm "well its past your bedtime " i say to her. She rolls her eyes "i don't have a bedtime" she says crossing her arms "um my house my rules. Off to sleep little girl" i smirk and walk to the stairs with her following. "Little?! Im 16!" She yells "hey off to sleep" i smirk again looking at her. "Fine. I'll go to my room but i won't sleep" she says walking in her room. "Thank you!" I yell and walk past her smiling and walking in my room. "I have a kid" i say looking up "yeah and i have a dad "i see her walk in with grey sweatpants and a white crop top hoodie with her long brown hair in a messy bun. "I thought you were going to your room missy" she giggles and lays on my bed "hmm not right now" she says looking at me. "You have to sleep we have a big day tomorrow " i say walking in my closet. "All we're doing is shopping? "She says back "yup. Big day " i said smiling walking back in grey sweatpants and a white t shirt looking at her "matching. Cute" she rolls her eyes and i roll mine. "Oh shut up" i say and she giggles "okay go to sleep.. old man" she says and runs out. I just laugh.  "Goodnight " i smiled "Goodnight" i look at the door and see her head pop out i smile really big and she leaves closing my door. I get in bed and fall asleep.

Kass P.O.V
"Goodnight"  i say poping my head in his door way smiling. He smiles back and i leave closing the door. "Dad" i whispered.  "Please call me daddy instead" i jump and look behindme seeing a smirking Sam, i roll my eyes. "I wound never in my life call you daddy" i say back crossing my arms "oh please i know you want me baby girl" he says smirking getting closer to me. I back up hitting my back on the wall. I feel his hot breath on my neck. I bite my lip. "Mmm don't be nervous baby " i can feel him smirking. I roll my eyes "if Nate see's you he will kill you" i say "like im scared of him" i roll my eyes. "Fuck off" i push him off and walk to my room... not going to lie, Sam is hot as hell but i can't do anything with him. But oh well ima just say fuck it and tease him.  I wall in and lay on my bed and quickly fall alseep.

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