Codex by Eijimeliça Jud

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1:1  I observe that we communicate best using language vividly.

1:2  I suggest we eliminate the passive voice when communicating.

1:3  Using a variety of verbs strengthens our messages.

1:4  Therefore, I say to you, vary your verbs without using linking verbs.

1:5  I encourage all of us to use verbs to show rather than tell our messages.

1:6  Our language ties closer to our experiences, when we eliminate linking verbs.

1:7  I take responsibility for my statements.

1:8  I adopt a language without any linking verbs.

1:9  Absolutes in language angers me.

1:10  When I want to express myself clearly, I speak without linking verbs.

1:11 When I want to make a point, I speak without linking verbs.

1:12  I gain more insight from a philosopher that mirrors their own experiences in their messages, than from a philosopher that sets down a series of absolute assertions.

1:13  I regard communicating as a puzzle to solve.

1:14  I reiterate the need to eliminate the passive voice when communicating.

1:15  And, I say again and again, eliminate linking verbs.

1:16  Without linking verbs, I say what I want to say more responsibly.

1:17  Without linking verbs, I speak honestly to myself and to others.

1:18  Without linking verbs, I see the world as flexible rather than static.

1:19  When I communicate better, I believe I make myself a better person.

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