The Fifty-four Precepts of Conscience

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1. I shall not treat people as more important than the Divine Mystery.

2. I shall not treat events as more important than the Divine Mystery.

3. I shall not treat things as more important than the Divine Mystery.

4. I shall not consider popularity as more important that following the Divine Mystery.

5. I shall not use the name of the Divine Mystery carelessly.

6. I shall not use the name of the Divine Mystery in anger.

7. I shall not actively disparage the Divine Mystery.

8. I shall not passively disparage the Divine Mystery.

9. I shall not actively disparage the Church of the Divine Mystery.

10. I shall not passively disparage the Church of the Divine Mystery.

11. I shall not actively disparage the followers of the Divine Mystery.

12. I shall not passively disparage the followers of the Divine Mystery.

13. I should pray daily.

14. I should attend the sacred rituals on the Venerable Day of Rest & Worship.

15. I should attend the sacred rituals on the Holy Days of Obligation.

16. I should avoid, where possible, work that impedes worship to the Divine Mystery.

17. I should avoid, where possible, work that impedes joy for the Venerable Day of Rest & Worship.

18. I should avoid, where possible, work that impedes proper relaxation of my mind.

19. I should avoid, where possible, work that impedes proper relaxation of my body.

20. I should seek ways to spend time with family, or alternatively in service, on the Venerable Day of Rest & Worship.

21. I should show my my mother due respect.

22. I should show my father due respect.

23. I should maintain good communication with my mother, where possible.

24. I should maintain good communication with my father, where possible.

25. I should not criticise my mother for lacking skills.

26. I should not criticise my father for lacking skills.

27. I should respect those that try to teach me.

28. I shall not murder.

29. I shall not harm others through physical means.

30. I shall not harm others through verbal means.

31. I shall not harm others through emotional means.

32. I shall not harm others through gossip.

33. I shall not harm others through manipulation of any kind.

34. I shall respect the physical dignity of myself.

35. I shall respect the physical dignity of others.

36. I shall respect the sexual dignity of myself.

37. I shall respect the sexual dignity of others.

38. I shall not take things that belong to others.

39. I shall not take credit that belongs to others.

40. I shall not waste the time of others.

41. I shall use my resources responsibly.

42. I shall not gossip.

43. I shall not tell lies.

44. I shall not embellish stories at the expense of another.

45. I shall honour my spouse with my full affection.

46. I shall honour my spouse with my exclusive love.

47. I shall not jealously desire other people's friends.

48. I shall not jealously desire other people's status.

49. I shall not jealously desire other people's possessions.

50. I shall not compare myself to others unnecessarily.

51. I shall be content with my own means.

52. I shall be content with my own needs.

53. I shall be generous with my time.

54. I shall be generous with my possessions. 

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