Fifth Codex by Šäm Jim

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1:1   An important question, relevant to my life, is whether or not, my individual soul will persist after my life ends?

1:2  Shall I let my answers come from wishful thinking rather than direct evidence?

1:3  Or can I take account of indirect evidence?

1:4  After all, the belief that some facet of my soul surviving death is compatible with what our philosophers know about how everything works around us.

1:5  However, I do not claim that my consciousness shall persist after my body deteriorates.

1:6  Information stored in my brain will not persist with my soul.


1:15  I admit that atoms are part of how I exist. 

1:40  There is no reason to believe that all that is supernatural will be unknowable forever.

1:41  If my beliefs are dramatically incompatible with observable phenomenon, there is no reason for me to attribute it to the unknowable supernatural.

1:43  I can get down to interesting questions of my being and consciousness really work.

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