1~Shiro x reader

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Shiro x reader

A bonding moment to remember

My eyes fluttered open as I groaned and inhale deeply. I had a horrible nights sleep and my body was sore. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the room as I contemplate weather or not to go back to sleep.

"Ugh, if I don't get up, Allura will give me a whole speech about how important it is to train paladins and blah blah blah,"

I sigh and get out of bed, putting on my normal outfit and heading to the kitchen. "Morning Y/n! Did you get enough sleep?" Coran greets me and tilts his head slightly.

"No, not really..." I didn't make eye contact with him, I just keep walking towards the cabinet where the coffee is stored. "Why not? You should be getting a good nights rest just in case Zarkon shows up!" he warns me. I nod my head and make myself some coffee.

"Yes Coran, I know," A few moments later, the rest of the paladins walk in for breakfast. "Morning guys."

I turn and look at them as I sip my coffee. "Morning Y/n" they all reply. "Ready for some training?" I smirk as I tease them, knowing that they have trained non-stop the following days and were getting tired of it. They all groan and pout, but Shiro didn't complain. I don't blame them, but it's crucial in the fight against Zarkon.

"Do we have to?" Lance whined. "Hey, don't complain to me, Allura's making me do it." they chuckle a bit as I take another sip. "Hey Y/n , do you mind making me some coffee, I didn't sleep very well." Shiro looked at me with the softest, most adorab- wait, no no no! I shook all of the comments out of my head and nodded. "S-sure thing," I turned around and my eyes widened. Did I just stutter!? Whats going on!?

I quickly make him some coffee and hand it over to him. "Here..." I kept my eyes on the floor and sit at the table, where the rest of the paladins where sitting.

I thought about Shiro's face, and his muscles and his-AH! I'm doing it again! "Your blushing Y/n." Pidge said as she examined my face closely with a slight smirk on her face. "I-I am?" I asked as I look up at her and blush even more. Lance and hunk looked at me too.

"Woah, your as red as a tomato, are you okay?" Hunk said and looked at me worriedly. "Y-yeah im fine! heh...heh" I look down and try to hide my blushing, even though it's pointless. "Are you sure your okay, if your sick, you dont have to train us today." Shiro said from the other side of the table, next to Lance, "NO!" I yell on accident. His and everyone's eyes widened. "I-I mean... I'm fine." I quickly get out of my seat and rush out of the kitchen. What am I doing to myself!? Why am I thinking of him like that!? I stop once I'm far away from the kitchen and I slide down the wall.

"I'm making a fool out of myself, I just need to calm down." I whisper to myself and pull my knees close to my chest. I soon hear footsteps, but I don't bother to move. " Y/n?!" I hear Shiro's voice echo through the halls. I flinch and pull myself into a tighter ball.

"Y/n?" Shiro says as he kneels down beside me and looks at me worriedly, I could hear the fear and worry in his voice. "Are you okay?" I look up at him and sigh. "I wish, but...my mind is doing things that I don't understand..."

I could tell that he was really worried about me, his eyes, they told me everything. "What are you saying?" he asks me as he scoots closer to me and brushes some hair behind my ear. I blush and hide my face again.

"It's you, I can't stop thinking about you." The memories are coming back now, all this time I've been attracted to Shiro but I refused to listen. I gave up on letting those feelings get to me because I always thought that he could never love me back the way I do.

"I can't stop thinking about you either," he said in the most sweet voice ever. I look up at him again, looking deeply into his eyes in disbelief. "Ever since the first time I saw you, you've never left my mind." he gets closer to me and starts to lean in. "I was always hoping you would feel the same way, and now that I do, I can finally do what I've been wanting to do for the longest time."

The gap between us closes and his soft lips meet mine. I wasn't going to waste this opportunity and I took ahold of both of his cheeks and kiss him deeper and more passionately.

I could tell he was surprised the way that he paused for a moment. But he kissed me even deeper, almost sliding his tongue into my mouth. I tense up and pull away quickly. "S-Shiro!" I blush even more and chuckle a bit.

We both chuckle and then we go in for a long awaited hug. A moment later we heard more footsteps rushing towards us. Shiro help me back on my feet and we share a smile as the paladins and the two alteans come at a stop when they find us.

"You found her, is she okay?!" Allura says as she places her hand on my shoulder. "Your late for training!" I pause for a moment then look up at Shiro. We both bust out laughing and the rest of the team joins in.

"Sorry Allura, we were having a...bonding moment." Shiro tells Allura and Lance looks at the both of us suspiciously yet he was smirking. "You too like each other don't you?" he said with that "thread the needle" look.

I walk up to him and whisper as I pass by him, "Eeeyup," I smirk as I keep walking and Shiro follows close behind. Lance and the other paladins mouths were agape. Shiro pats Lances back before we both head to the training deck.

Now that's a bonding moment to remember....


Well there you have it folks, the first one.

Anyway this was  just to sample how I do things around here XD....

ANYWAYS that's it for right now...

BYE MY PALADUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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