17~ Keith x Reader [Pt.2]

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This is the second part of the long awaited Keith x reader long distance. Tbh I kinda forgot about it until someone recently commented on it. And yes it's here! So enjoy.

Oh yeah and the reason I didn't upload the past two days is because I had writers block really bad and I wasn't happy with what I was writing, but I'm all good now...yeah now on to the story!!


As I was driving there, I felt nervous for some reason. I had time to spare so I went to MacDonalds to get some fries and a milkshake. I pull up turning down my music and I roll down my window. After the person said her welcomeong line, I poke my head out the window. "Yeah I want large fries and a large milkshake." I said to the speaker thingy. "Um yeah our ice cr-" I hit the gas and yeeted out of there. Of fucking course. I was pissed off the whole way to the mall. I actually cried a little too. I parked in the parking lot and got out of the car and walked inside the mall. I walked to the food court and I didn't see Allura or Pidge. I texted them and they said they were coming. I turned and I saw them walking into the food court. I smiled and waved at them and they waved back.

"Hey girls!" I said as we group hugged. "Before we go can I get something quick to eat?" I asked. "That's what we came here for too" Pidge smiled and grabbed me and Alluras' hands and pulled us to the different places they had. After we ate, we went shopping a little.

Allura looked at her phone and her eyes widened a bit. "OH, um, looks like we need to go to the fair like right now!" Pidge widened her eyes too and I looked at them, confused. "Ooooohhh okayyyyy?" We hurried to Alluras' car and we drove to the fair. "So how has your day been going Y/n?" Pidge asked. "Well I was feeling hungry and I went to MacDonalds and I asked for fries and a milkshake and then she said the its was broken ;-;." I said and they both gasped. "Im sorry for your loss Y/n" Pidge said.

We got there and I looked out of the window. "Wow, it's so amazing isn't it? All the colors and the rides." We got out and I stared at all of the bright, flashing lights. Pidge and Allura started to whisper to each other and giggle. "What's up you two?" I asked them, as I walked slightly behind them. "Oh nothing" Allura said. I sigh and shrug. "Alrightly." We walk in and I see a huge banner with my name on it. "Woah, guys its- " I look around and they were gone. "Guys?!" I said. People started to clear a circle and they started to look at me. I Blushed and I looked around really nervous. "Y/n," I heard someone say into a microphone and I turned around. There was someone on a big stage and I squinted. "who...is...wait....no way..." I gasped. "I've lived so far away from you, and I can't help it anymore. Y/n I'm in love with you, the first time I saw you, you stole my heart." He looked down at his hand and he seemed to be nervous. "A-and, I just want to ask you something." Keith put the microphone on the stand and walked off and walked towards me. I stood there with tears running down my cheeks. When he got to me, he was more nervous than ever. He looked at me and smiled. "Will...you be my girlfriend?" I just stood there crying and nodding in happiness. He hugged me and the people around me clapped. I tightly hugged him back and it was the best feeling ever. His body was so warm, and the fact that I was touching him made me happy beyond words. Once we pulled away he grabbed my hand softly. "There is so much I want to say to you, you don't know how fast my heart is beating." He said. I laughed while tears streamed down my face. I couldn't stop smiling. He was so gorgeous. "Me too, god, I was not expecting this, but, I could never ask for more." He blushed heavily and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It made me blush and I stuffed my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt so safe in his arms.

He told me that he asked the people who ran the fair if they would give up the whole night and the rest of the week free rides and food and they happily agreed. I started crying again and he hugged me tightly. He's giving me everything and we have only been together for a small time. He really loves me, and I love him too, more than anything.

We spent the whole night riding rides over and over, I almost threw up my cotton candy on the kiddie coaster and Keith kept laughing at me. We talked and laughed together and he did that cliche thing where he wins me the huge teddy bear. He took me back home and I couldn't let him go.

"I had the night of my life with you, and it breaks my heart that I have to leave..." Keith sad as he pouted. I tried my best not to break down in tears. "I...I-I just dont want y-you to go.." My throat started to ache because I was trying not to cry. I looked into Kieth's eyes and he was tearing up. And that broke me, I started balling and I ran into his arms and he hugged me tightly. I cried my eyes out and he hugged me tighter. "P-Please dont go!.... I love you!" I said as I cried. He cried a bit too and I didn't let him go. "You dont have to worry for long Y/n" He smiled softly as I pulled away. "what do you m-mean?" I said is I look up at him. He smiled and wiped my tears. "Because im moving down here, " My jaw dropped and I kept staring at him. "You...You aren't joking right?" I asked him. "Nope, you know that empty apartment down the hall?" He smiled. I was shocked. I couldn't say anything or do anything.

He ended up staying the night with me and we cuddled all night long. I love him, so much, more than anything.

There you go!! FINALLY YEAH I KNOW!! I was gonna do it a few days ago but i ended up talking to my boyfriend all night and ya know.....yeah but ANYWAYS. there you have it.

BYE MY PALIDUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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