sequel announcement: resurrection overture.

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It is time, my beautiful people, to announce the sequel to The Bloody Ballerina. It would have been put up earlier, but Wattpad has been giving me crap but here I am back... with style.

Sorry, I just REALLY wanted to use that gif

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Sorry, I just REALLY wanted to use that gif. 

As you probably saw in the title of this update, the sequel's title is The Resurrection Overture. It took me a good long while to figure out a title, but the inspiration came from both Svetlana's middle name, Anastasiya, meaning "resurrection" and a title of a song in the CA:CV soundtrack being "Siberian Overture". I think the title actually really makes sense with what's going to be shown in the book!

Here is an announcement gif for your enjoyment:

Here is an announcement gif for your enjoyment:

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Oh how lovely.

Anyway, speaking of the book, here is a fun little list of what you can expect:

- Fluff! (Because, come on, we all love fluff) We are going to see some adorable scenes between Bucky and Svet, especially in the first portion of the book.

- The fluff is gonna mix in with some running chapters so that'll be kind of fun and bumpy for the two.

- Mama Spider Alert! Natasha is gonna be around in her own specific chapters and then in mixed ones! She's really going to be fighting to get Svet back in that book and I hope we are all going to enjoy that.

- On a side note: we are going to see what Natasha's vision from Avengers: AOU would look like with Svet in the picture so ahhh! Stay tuned for that!

- Big years are covered here: we are going to read as Svet goes from an adorable thirteen year old to a still adorable fifteen year old! My baby is getting so old!

- Uncle STEEB is back and ready to attack! Okay, not my best rhyme but whatever, he is going full out uncle in this next story so I hope you enjoy!

- Uncle Clint and Uncle Sam are taking Svetlana under their wings (ha, get it? Hawkeye and the Falcon because they're... birds. I'll stop, I promise) IT'S GONNA BE SO CUTE!

- Ideas and hints for what Svet's place is gonna be in *quiet sniffling* Infinity War. Is she gonna live? Is she gonna die? WHO KNOWS?! Not that that'll be answered there though...

- Svet is going to be meeting the rest of the team which is so stressful!

- CIVIL WAR! No! It's gonna be good but also bad! I can't wait! I think we all know what side Svet is gonna be on, am I right?

- On the subject of Civil War, know that we have some serious OC meeting OC in this next one so that's gonna be interesting! Hopefully they won't be trying to kill each other in this one... *awkward laugh*

- Oh! Something I think you might be pleased about - romance! A little anyway, just hints of it for our lil baby, Svet. I'm sure you can guess who her love interest is gonna be, can't you?!

- And there is so much more! You'll just have to go read to find out the rest, you little nerds you! I really hope you enjoy it!

- And there is so much more! You'll just have to go read to find out the rest, you little nerds you! I really hope you enjoy it!

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Aaaand, I just wanted to thank all of you who have been here for this story and have supported me throughout it. I love hearing your thoughts, gushes, wishes, ideas, headcanons, and theories! It seriously makes my day! You are all incredible so thank you!

Now, what's next?

Well, go check out the first updates of The Resurrection Overture and add it to your library! Go, go, go! 

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