Chapter 31

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I tried uploading this chapter multiple times last night but Wattpad was doing some maintenance and it was giving you notifications, even though it wouldn't let me upload the chapter! So here you are, sorry it's a tad later than my update on Quotev!

- Sian

A little rise in the corner of Lucifer's lip revealed a smirk as the words fell, knowing it would cause further destruction for Kaiden. He glanced at the young teen, a devilish glow in his eyes for all to see. Kaiden looked surprised and was not able to hide it. Milokan's mouth opened, not sure if he should be horrified by the fact that his soulmate is related to the lord of hell.

"Brother," Kaiden spoke, testing the word in his mouth. It tasted foul. His eyes scaled Meloras who now looked nervous as she watched him in return.

"Yes," Lucifer looked proud of himself, "your father here, he is my-"

"I heard you," Kaiden growled, taking a step on the sand. Milokan was too startled to tug him back. Jeronah looked ashamed when his son connected their gaze. Kaiden understood why.

"It is a horrible truth," the angel sighed and visibly shivered, still finding it horrendous to say out loud.

"H-How-" Milokan breathed, "how can that be?"

"He is not family," Jeronah didn't disconnect his gaze from Kaiden. "Being related by blood does not make him my brother."

Lucifer's smirk started looking more like a pained twitch of anger as he took a step towards Kaiden.

"I am family," he said, "we are related, Kaiden. You may not want to believe it, but we are more alike than you think."

Jeronah scoffed, still not tearing his gaze away from the teen.

"Kaiden is nothing like you. He may get angry and be short tempered, but that is only his demon traits from Meloras, which he cannot control. He has compassion and feels empathy. You said that was his flaw, but it is the greatest thing about him. It shows that he is my son, and those are my angel qualities within him."

Lucifer's blood was boiling.

"I knew he was more like Meloras; he is more of a demon than he is an angel. Does that bother you Jer, huh?"

"Not at all. Kaiden is my son, and I love him."

Kaiden could hear the confidence in the angel's voice, he felt a little warm inside, but it was odd nonetheless.

"What are you doing?" Meloras sighed, and Lucifer frowned when she looked at him with disgust. For years, she has been scared to speak too loud or get in his way. Now that Jeronah is back, so is her confidence and that angered him more than anything. "My son and his father have been separated since Kaiden was two years old, and it is entirely your fault. You're not going to succeed in distancing them before they have even connected. Not again."

"Again?" Kaiden turned and glared with all the darkness he could emit when Lucifer stepped closer to her. "Get any closer, and I will tear your head from your weedy little body," he growled.

The devil wasn't used to them talking to him like this. Respect and authority are the things he is used to receiving. Nothing provoked him more than not getting what he wanted, so he lifted his hand and clicked bony fingers. Shuffling came from within the cave, revealing a line of demon's that was no surprise to everyone else.

"Keep this attitude up Kaiden, and I will be forced to use this." He turned when a whip landed in his grip. Kaiden gulped back his fear and took a small step away. Everyone saw his sudden panic. "That's right. I am still your leader."

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