Chapter 52

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My housemate and good friend Alex_TheBaker has published her first book on Wattpad called: Ethereal Beings SO PLEASE READ, IT'S AWESOME. Comment and heart to give her a warm Wattpad welcome!

- Sian

Vinny stood outside of the bedroom which now belonged to Kaiden and Milokan. He took a breath before opening the door. His glare left his face quicker than a blink by the horrors on the other side of the wood. The demon was in the middle of the room with blood dripping down his back. Kaiden sat on his knees and yanked his left wing, ripping it from his skin. The top of it had started to tear, and the blood wouldn't stop flowing.

Vinny was not expecting such madness. The demon didn't even notice him standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing?" he breathed, but Kaiden didn't hear him, he was too busy pulling out chunks of feathers, trying to make the pain wash away his problems. "Kaiden?" Still, the demon didn't answer.

Kaiden's eyes were crazed, his face red. He had finally lost his composure and parts of his sanity. His demon characteristics took over, the changes in his life were too much, he couldn't cope. When he pulled hard on his wing, he cried in pain but continued; he continued to hurt himself.

Vinny ran in front of him, yelling at him to stop. He tried to tug his arms from behind his back.

Kaiden, in a fit of rage and fury, swung his arm around and punched the vampire in the face.

Vinny fell back, hitting the floorboards. He wasn't shocked but now felt irritated. If the demon were not only eighteen, Vinny would have hit him too. Instead, he sat up, wiped the blood from his burst lip and watched the meltdown in front of him. When Kaiden ripped another handful of feathers from his wing, Vinny decided that enough was enough.

He grabbed the demon's arms and pushed him back, trapping Kaiden's wing between his body and the floor. The demon gritted his teeth from the pain in his back.

"You need to calm down," Vinny grumbled, not happy to be kneed in the ribs, but he held tight, so Kaiden stopped hurting himself. "Milokan would be horrified if he saw you."

The demon stopped and stared, an ominous silence fell between them. His eyes were black and more crazed than before.

"Speak his name again, and I will kill you."

Vinny caught Kaiden by surprise when his chocolate eyes turned rich in red and sharp fangs poked out from his top lip.

"You are in my house, my world, and you will treat me with respect," he spoke low, and the hairs on Kaiden's neck stood up. Vinny was angry, livid even.

Kaiden could feel his power, and he could see his dominance. His eyes were like his, raging with fire. The vampire was also like him, falling victim to anger issues, struggling to stay in control. So Kaiden relaxed his body, showing Vinny that he was right, he had no authority in this world.

The vampire sat up and pulled the demon up too, so he wasn't squashing his injured wing.

"Why did you do this to yourself?" he questioned.

Kaiden looked down to the golden feathers in his hands. They were all still perfectly shaped even after the abuse he put them through.

"I don't want wings."

When Kaiden looked behind him, Vinny inspected the terrible scars on his back but did not attempt to bring up the subject.

"There's not much you can do about it now," he mumbled.

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