Chapter 8

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The morning sky was beginning to shine as it brightened the clearing all around. The cats began to wake up from their dozing as they stretched their body's as their fangs showing sharp with sharp claws scratching the earth. Purrs and meows came from all around as the cats began to share tongues. Leafpool and Waterfern were trying to heal Tallfur, a black she-cat's deep wounds. Tallfur got attacked by a family of rats.

Mudstar padded into the medicine cat's den. "How is Tallfur?" Mewed Mudstar. "She's fine she just needs to rest for a few more moments. We about got her recovered!" "Great now she'll be ready for battle. Waterfern's ears twitched high as she remembered what Spottedleaf told her. "Mudstar at the Moonpool last night I shared tongues with StarClan as I saw Spottedleaf and she told me something like a prophecy. She said blood will be spilled as time goes by." Waterfern said quiet hoping Tallfur didn't hear. "It seems if she must be talking about the battle with BloodClan." Said Mudstar as he padded out of the den before Waterfern could answer.

Later on in the afternoon Mudstar smelt a strange scent. It smelt bloodthirsty. Hisses and growls were heard outside the camp. Suddenly BloodClan cats leaped into the clearing meowing angrily. "ThunderClan attack"! The cats all got up and battled with the BloodClan cats. Leafpool and Waterfern let out a furious gasp as they peeked outside their den. Bloodstar the leader of BloodClan pounced on Mudstar pinning him to the ground. "What do you want this time Bloodstar?" Bloodstar meowed of quiet laughter. "Your death!" She hissed as she bit down in MudStar's throat. Blackscar glanced behind him from attacking other BloodClan cats as he dashed across the clearing hitting Bloodstar off Mudstar. Bloodstar hit the ground as the twitched her head around leaping on Blackscar raking her claws down his back. Blackscar tried to shake her off but failed as Mudstar was beginning to dash forward five BloodClan cats blocked his path. Mudstar let out a hiss of fury.

Bloodstar clawed Blackscar to the ground as she stood in him with her claws out wide showing her sharp fangs. "Get off before I kill you mousebrain!" Bloodstar licked her claws as she dug her claws deeper in his chest. "In the position your in I highly doubt it!" Finished Bloodstar as she bit deeply in Blackscar's neck fur pouring blood out his neck. Bloodstar held her fangs in deep for a heartbeat as she took her fangs out with Blackscar's pelt fur in her mouth. Blackscar shook in pain as he all the sudden froze dead. A pool of blood surrounded him as Mudstar let put a crying yowl and slashed his claws around the five BloodClan cats and leapt on Bloodstar swiping his claws back and fourth leaving scars on her pelt.

Wolfclaw charged towards the BloodClan deputy, Wolfblood. Wolfblood let out a calm gentle sigh. "My old friend what brings you here Wolfclaw?" "Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you now!" Hissed Wolfclaw. "I can give you all the reasons in the world of StarClan." Added Wolfblood as he pushed Wolfclaw to the ground pinning him with a deep smile. Wolfclaw showed his fangs kicking Wolfblood off of him as Wolfblood flew in the air. Wolfclaw leapt up high in the air catching Wolfblood swiping his bloody claws across the deputy's face. Deep scratches and scars showed on Wolfblood's face as Wolfblood was slammed to the ground and Wolfclaw cut part of his ear off. The deputy shook in pain as Wolfclaw ran away on to attack more cats.

Flatstrike and Redfeather looked around in confusion as two BloodClan warriors attacked them each.

Mudstar and Bloodstar were fighting to their death as they both stood on their hind legs fighting with their long claws and large fangs. "Give it up Bloodstar!" "Not until your dead"! Growled Bloodstar. "You'll have to try hard I still have 5 lives left"! Remarked Bloodstar as Mudstar slapped her to the ground. Bloodstar glanced up at him with a narrow as Mudstar charged but was kicked in the nose by Bloodstar's two long legs. Bloodstar padded up to him laying her paw on MudStar's face.

Flatstrike and Redfeather retreated from the chasing BloodClan cats as their thoughts were strong. This was their first real battle they were fighting in. They couldn't lose their life when they just became warriors. "Stop you little apprentices!" Hissed one BloodClan cat. Redfeather and Flatstrike skirted on the rough earth as they crouched in an attacking position. "We are no longer apprentices. We are warriors! Growled Flatstike as Redfeather took on two cats while Flatstrike took on the other two that had been chasing them like they were prey. The battle went on for many heartbeats as Waterfern believed the battle was the exact prophecy!

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