Chapter Thirty-Four

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I can't help but smiling as I pack more stuff into the suitcase. Alexander sits on the edge of my bed, fumbling with his necklace.

"I just can't believe it! We're going to Ireland!" I say cheerfully. Alexander smiles at me, still messing with his necklace.

The day that I got home from Alexander's house, I immediately talked to mom about going to Ireland with him. She was disagreeing a lot at first, but I guess she thought about it more and agreed to letting me go. I just have to come home for the movie premiere, but other than that, she had no problem with it.

I zip the edge of the suitcase and set it over in the corner. We leave tonight to fly to Atlanta, and then it is a straight flight into Dublin.

To say that I'm excited is an understatement. I can't wait. I'm going to have a lot of time to do whatever I want while he is off filming, so I can tell this will be a fun trip. Ireland sounds so beautiful.

I take Alexander's hand and walk into the living room. We have a few more hours until we have to leave, so I should probably hang around with mom and Madeline for a while.

Well, I thought I would. Whenever we walk into the living room, mom is working on her laptop and I remember that Madeline is off at the studio. I sigh and sit down on the couch beside Xander.

Mom shuts her laptop and comes to sit across from us. She has on a weak smile, and looks almost sad when she sits.

"So, Alexander, are you excited to start filming?" she asks him.

Alexander brightens up at the mention filming. "I am. It's a lot of fun filming this. I get to be a big warrior guy and stuff. It's fun."

I laugh at him. "If I can recall, the 'big warrior guy' got scared by Nina Dobrev like 20 times."

Alexander's face reddens and he tries to hide it, but fails. While he has been working on the movie The Final Girls, I've heard that a ton of people have been pranking and scaring him.

Mom goes on to ask Alexander about filming the show, and I find myself tuning out. I do that a lot.

Time goes by as we try to spend time with mom. It gets around 4:00 when Alexander tells me that we need to head to the airport.

I go back into my room to get my bags and say goodbye to mom. She hesitates a little whenever we walk out the door, but I shut it behind me before she can back out of letting me go.

I set my things in Alexander's car and we go to the airport. We pull around to the front and get our boarding passes. Then, we go to the gate to board our plane.

We get in the first class cabin in no time and set our bags up. Alexander picks a movie for us to watch on the flight to Atlanta. I'm not exactly sure what it was, but it was pretty good.

When we get to Atlanta, we have to sprint to our flight to Ireland. Once again, we have first class seats. This time, our bags are put under the plane.

Alexander sits by the window and I sit right beside him. He takes a blanket from under the seat and wraps it over his body, making himself look as if he is in some sort of cocoon. I laugh at the sight, and pull a book out of my bag under the seat. This is going to be a very long flight.

He immediately snatches the book out of my hand just as the doors of the plane are shut.

"What?" I nearly snap at him.

"This is a very long flight. You will not read the whole time and let me be bored." He says.

I scowl and reach for my book. He hands it back, but basically forces me to put it in my lap.

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