Chapter 2

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I watched gates pry open and give way to masses of clans' people. Most of the Demon clan had gathered in the central courtyard to welcome the visitors. Mother and father stood beneath the black tree, gold leaves waving in the light breeze. I felt the wind tug at my own skirt as I stood by my pack, awaiting the clans' arrival.

First to enter was the Fae clan. Mostly adorned in earth tones of green and browns, their people could be identifies by their brown or sometimes, golden hair adorned with lush green leaves for males and vividly colorful flowers for females. Their eyes tended to be emerald green or golden hazel size, with almost tranquilizing affects. A good number of them were followed by large hawks, either flying above or stationary on their shoulders, hawks to the Faes were much like our hounds; familiars.

Following them was the Fire clan. Warriors by nature, their people came dressed in armor as per usual. Blacks and reds and oranges painted their peoples' clothing, and black hair streaked with red was the most common appearance for their people. Fiery orange eyes scanned our yard; by watching their people enter, I could see many of the warriors I had met on my last visit to their clan territory. My pack stirred upon their arrival, sensing aggressive forces. I sent them a calming message and their bristling coats tamed slightly. The Fire clan's familiars were Dragons, given as hatchlings at birth, and needless to say, Dragons and Hellhounds were two very strong creatures whom did not get along well.

Finally, the air chilled as the stoic, scholarly members of the Ice clan breeched the gates. The incessant heat of our territory almost died to a normal temperature as the Ice clan entered, most adorned in white and blue tunics and, unfortunately, similar hair to mine. Their hair, however, was commonly painted with blue streaks and silver ornaments.

When all members had settled into their factions; my Father raised his hand. With this motion, from each tribe, one green, one red, and one white; stepped 3 members dressed in the most grandiose clothing of their clan.

The royal families.

They approached my King and Queen with emotionless faces and halted a respectful distance away. Standing beside each of the Kings and Queens were, without doubt, the princes of their perspective clans.

Stoic young men with seemingly royal attitudes about their faces, I scanned each of them with narrowed eyes.

The Fae prince, Ren, was just around my height with golden hair tinted with earthy brown, his medium-tanned skin stood out nicely against his green tunic which was surprisingly paired with a set of twin daggers. From his green eyes, I could sense no malice and after analysis, my hounds found him not to be a possible threat.

Upon finding myself gazing at the Fire clan prince, I almost smiled. Prince Taron and I had lived similar lives and shared many interest. He was a fiery tempered young man with a good sense of humor, but he was strong and fiercely protective of his clan. I respected him very much for his honor and loyalty. His black and red leather armor matched his long black hair trekked with a fiery red, his orange eyes flickering like tiny flames under dark brows. As the flames found my own purple jewels, a small smirk tugged at the side of his lips. It was a gesture that I had returned happily, Beya making a similar chortling sound under his breath.

Finally, my eyes grew colder as they set on the Ice prince. He was tall, almost a head taller than me, unfortunately. His long icy white hair was streaked with ocean blue color, his sapphire eyes glinting in the sunlight. His white and blue robes tugged at his legs as he stood emotionless behind his parents. From him I could feel heavy magical power, seeping off of him in invisible waves. Beya and the pack growled at this new sensation of power but with a firm look they begrudgingly quieted down.

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