Chapter 9

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A daunting silence hung over my sister and I as our swords rose once more. She was not the same girl I fought in the pit all those years ago and I wasn't the same girl who won the crown. I was stronger, but in a match like this, Elvira had nothing to lose; that made her more dangerous than I could imagine.

"What's the matter sister? Don't want to make the first move? If I recall correctly you couldn't wait to draw blood in our first match," my twin sneered, her lips curling. I frowned.

"Take the shot then, let's see if you've become any stronger or if your mouth just got louder," I spat back. Ruby eyes flared as she raised her sword but instead lifted her foot and a ball of hellfire shot towards me. I dropped my sword and swung my arms, the flame spiting and reflecting off of my power.

I readied my own spell, the fire swirling above my head, arrows of smoking black shot from the cloud and fired faster than the eyes could see. Arrow after arrow and Elvira's sword slashed almost all of them, almost. The last arrow was just fast enough to graze her cheek, effectively drawing a line of ruby red.

"Sharper than ever Kas," she smirked as a finger traced the wound and watched a single rose of blood hit the ground. "But blades are sharper!"

She swung her sword; Aemyrass cut down through my hellfire spell and clashed with my own blade. Black on gold once more, and my sword loved it; Kinslayer's power rushed through my veins.

I shoved her back and rushed her, my fist slamming into her throat, the soft flesh caving in. She gasped and slammed into the wall in a cloud of dust. I shook out my knuckle and raised Neimuriya.

"You're still weak." A maniacal chuckle followed from the body indented in the wall.

"Am I?" Suddenly I was knocked back, my teeth grit as I fought to keep my footing.

Another blow landed in my ribs, I never saw it coming; there was no one there. I choked on air as a blunt force hit my chest and I fell onto my back. I looked around Elvira was gone. I scrambled to my knees, air slowly returning to me, my arms lit up with hellfire.

"ELVIRA!" I roared into the emptiness which was returned with a childish giggle.

"I haven't gone yet, not until you drop dead Kas." My head swiveled, the room was empty, but the presence of magic was heavy, my eyes peeled open. "You've master hellfire cloaking!" I snarled. The giggle returned.

"You didn't think I'd come back to challenge you with the same mediocre spells I fought with last time? Oh no Kasdeya, I've become so much stronger." I slashed with my sword but the presence moved, her body may have been invisible, but I could sense her magic. A sly grin found my lips as I lowered my sword.

"I could say the same sister, why don't you come back out to play?" I lifted my hands and black flames became to collect, but that's not all. Sparks of black electricity dance between my fingertips, growing until they consumed my body, my magic raced through every nerve in my body, the feeling overwhelming my senses, the pressure in the room was incredible.

With a roar I released my spell and a storm of black lightning filled the room, reflecting off of every particle in the vicinity. I let my lips curl as a scream broke through the sound of the walls crumbling, my sister had reappeared and hit the ground, her armor smoking and singed. I leered over her body, her chest heaving and her eyes foggy

"I may not have learned how to cloak yet, but I've always been quite gifted with obliteration spells. If I remember correctly, you lost to my weaker obliteration spell last time. How does it feel to have every cell in your body fried by my magic, Vira? Does it bring back memories?"

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