Chapter 10

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"Why isn't she awake yet?"

"I don't know , but I'd assume almost dying might have something to do with it."

"Very funny flame head."

"Can both of you be quiet for five minutes?"


"If she wakes up and the first thing she hears is you two at each other's throats, she'll wish she'd have died."

Internally, my mouth quirked, I guess that's enough sleep. I'd been going in and out of consciousness for a while now. I pried my eyes open, they felt like they'd been glued shut and winced as blinding light filled my room.

I raised a hand to cover my eyes as the three princes sprung from their seats around my bed to kneel at my side.

"KAS! You're awake!" Taron smiled and gripped my hand. I nodded and sat up, Kai and Ren both gave me glimmering smiles and placed a hand on my wrist.

"What happened? Elvira. . ."

"She's dead, you did it Kas. We were able to find a healer and got the water to everyone in need. Everyone is ok," Kai smiled and rubbed my wrist. All the weight on my shoulder was lifted instantly and I fell back on my pillows, "Thank the gods."

"How long have I been out?" I asked, not sitting back up. The princes looked at each other, "About three days."

"Three days? What on earth are you all still doing here?" I asked, lowering the sheet; I was happy to see that my nightdress was modest enough.

"You didn't think your father would let anyone leave until we could celebrate what you did? Kas you saved all of our clan members, you're a hero," Ren smiled.

"And you almost died, we weren't going anywhere until you were awake," Kai smiled. I nodded and looked up as my doors were thrown open and Xlynn rushed in, her dress flying behind her.

"IF YOU MALES ARE MESSING WITH MY PRINCESS I'LL FILLET YOU ALL!" She shouted as she went around closing all the windows, letting the torches light the room in softer light. I smiled and jump from my bed rushing to meet my maid. I threw my arms around her small body.

"Xlynn, you're ok. I made it back in time," I whispered into her peppered hair. The older woman chuckled. "Yes you did Kasdeya, thank you."

"Xlynn what is going on now?" I asked, as the prances rose from around my bed and came to stand behind me.

"King Azazel has requested a banquet in your honor tonight. It is midday now and I would please asked that your princes leave so I my fix you up," Her lips tugged a bit, "You honestly need a good bath your highness."

I smirked but found her to be right, I haven't washed properly in what felt like forever; disgusting.

I looked over both shoulders at the princes, "You heard her, get out. I'll see you all at the banquet."

They nodded and took their leave; they were replaced by servants rushing around to run a hot bath. I walked with Xlynn to my armoire and raked our eyes through the selection of gowns. Xlynn pulled one from the array. It was new, one I'd never worn before.

She hung it on the rack next to my mirror and sent me into the bathroom. I slid into the water surrounded by black rose petals and basked in the warmth; I would never take a hot bath for granted. I scrubbed every inch of my body, frowning as my fingers traced a jagged scar below my rib cage.

She should have stayed away.

After rinsing the oils from my hair and body; I deducted that I was officially clean and presentable. I wrapped a robe around my soaked body and re-entered the room.

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