Chapter 5

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Traveling seemed much easier as we were all well-rested and well fed. I had rolled over in my spot as the first ray of sun hit my eyes and sat up. I quickly braided my long hair and began the process of waking up the others.  

As I had reached down to tap Kai's shoulder, it must have been a reflex; his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. I was shocked, and I went to pull it away before Kai brought it to his chest and I could feel the rock hard muscle. Stuttering, I snatched away my hand and cradled it close to me, startled by what had just happened. His hand was larger than mine and bore no calluses, a clear indication of a lack of weapons training.

I made quick work of everything I had unpack and finished waking the princes. We were back on the Harlequins before the sun had half-breeched the horizon. It felt much better to be riding, it meant that we were getting closer to the Water; we were almost at our halfway mark. I removed the map from my saddlebags and with determination boiling inside of me, I kicked my steed into full gear and we picked up the pace.

"How are we doing with our time?" Taron asked next to me. I looked over, shaking hair out of my face. "If we make it over the mountain by tonight we'll be making great time. "

"The elder said this mission would hold our past, what does that mean?" Ren asked from behind. I didn't turn to look at the prince, instead reined the Harlequin herd around a bend and sped off, a mountain growing on the horizon. Jagged Glacier Slope was the label the elder had drawn on the map, one of the most dangerous mountains to cross in the Immortal Kingdom.

"I don't know; I can only assume that getting the Water will require some kind of task, for something so powerful by history's tale, I don't think we can stride into the cave and just ask nicely."

"That would be wonderful," Taron smiled and I rolled my eyes. Kai shook his head, white hair swaying.

"We can't underestimate what could happen; one wrong move and we could end up dead. No one knows what lies in the cave; the Water may have a guardian."

This may have been the first time I have ever agreed with Prince Kai, and when I nodded in agreement, Taron's eyes widened. He moved his steed closer and leaned over hair blazing behind him.

"The Icicle, Kas?" I dropped one hand from the reins and reached over the gap with my free hand. I gave him a sharp hit in his bicep.

"That hurts!"

"So does your voice."

"Ouch," Ren smiled, watching us. I barked out a laugh and took both hands back. I urged Vergis forward as the beating of hooves on the ground rang like thunder in a brewing storm. We entered a grassy plain for a brief amount of time; the wind picked up with fresh air that didn't intertwine with the scent of the forest.

Almost an hour more of riding put us at the base of the mountain, it's white caps standing at a nearly vertical slope, I knew our Harlequins would have trouble passing over the peaks and slowed Vergis before he could attempt the slope.



"Can you call Aspeth and see if he will fly above to see a path to use that our Harlequins would be capable of passing, they won't make the route on this map," I called, studying the paper with a frowning gaze. Ren nodded and drew a whistle from his neck. It's sharp shrill cry through the brisk winds and left us alone with the silence for a short time before the familiar beat of wings pulled my gaze from the map to the sky.

I could see the larger-than-average hawk circling over head before descending and perching on Ren's shoulder. He spoke to it in some kind of language I was uneducated in. The hawk chirped and unfurled its wings, leaping into the sir and taking flight. It soon disappeared among the clouds and I felt Vergis take a couple steps in place. I reached to his mouth and few him some pieces of died meat, motioning for the princes to so the same.

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