Chapter 3

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I lost track of how many grueling hours our Harlequins had been racing over the barren land of the Immortal Kingdom; hooves slapping the earth as they powered on, their coats only now becoming damp with perspiration. We had left the Demon clan territory not long ago and with that, had left the dark forest and familiar smell of home. But without fail, the Ice Prince never failed to make everything go as irritating as possible.  

"How do you know we are going the right way?" he shouted over the rush of wind in our ears. I sighed, he already asked that three times.

I rolled my eyes and girt my teeth. "I've had the map of the Immortal world memorized since I was a child; as a requirement of my Master Mage training. You have not?" I snarled off to the side without making eye contact. His voice caught and his eyes narrowed as his beast raced alongside mine. I could hear Taron laughing behind us.

"She hasn't lost a touch of fire." He must be speaking to Ren, who had kept quiet the whole time, why could Kai not be like him?

"If we get fail because you refuse to tell me the elder's location―"

I cut him off by reining my beast in front of his; cutting off the speed and sliding to a halt, my purple eyes glimmering with unbridled rage. He was pushing me farther than most who hoped to live.

"It's my mother's life at risk not yours ice boy, so I suggest you close those pale ass lips of yours before I burn you with hellfire and let my hounds pick you apart piece by piece."

"How dare you speak to me like that? I am a Prince!" He roared, but my own voice snapped his into oblivion.

"You're a cold prick who obviously doesn't realize what's at stake here! So could you get your head out of your icy ass and let me get us where we need to go?! If you cannot be quiet I am more than happy to send your steed back to the palace where you can tell your precious Ice clan that you were being too much of a child to get the job done!" I was shouting now, my beast stirring underneath me. I could feel my hounds itching to come over to our world but I told them to stay. I was going to shut him up once and for all.

His mouth hung open but no words came out. Scoffing, without another word, I turned Vergis back in the direction of the Elder's home and spurred him on. Ren shook his golden head and followed me, leaving the Ice and Fire Princes together. Behind us I could hear chuckle laugh at Kai. "If I were you, I'd shut up, she was being nice."

"Nice? That was nice? She's a hot-headed, disrespectful―"

"Demon? Of course she is. But right now, we have to get the Water or a lot of your people, as well as mine and Ren's and Kas's, are going to die. So I say this as nicely as possible; if you prohibit us from making it on time, Kas won't be the only one with her sword at your throat; it will be mine too. Let's move."

The Ice Prince scoffed as Taron nudged his Harlequin forward, and with distaste in his eye, followed the group as I led us further and further into uncharted territory.

Traveling in this land was dangerous, creatures of any kind lurked in every dark corner, every shadow of the land. For four mages who just became adults, we might not be ready to face what might come at us.

After a few more hours, I could sense the weakening of the Harlequins speed and signaled for every to stop. I dismounted and fed each of the beasts a brimstone tablet, a prime re-energize for such demonic horses. I also unwrapped four bloody steaks form my bag and fed each horse. If I demanded too much of them without proper care, they might eat me; or the princes for that matter.

The meat was ravaged and I couldn't help but love watching the fear in the princes' eyes as they watched the Harlequins eat. I always used to play a game with my mother as a child. We would summon our hounds, pups at the time basically; and they would battle the Harlequin colts for the steaks. One of the best times before my training began and I lost a lot of childhood to the library and training yard.

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