Chapter 1 ~ A closed heart

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Minecraftia – City Black Wood 5.45 am.

"It's a quiet morning, don't you think?" The with leaves covered path, crunched under the diamond boots of 2 guards, patrolling through the city. The moon was making his way down, while his counterpart, was ready to wake the earth up. Red stone lanterns illuminated the path, making it easier to walk around.
"I don't disagree"
"I hear a 'But...' coming" The taller of the 2, sighed lightly.
"Too much skeletons were too close to the gates. They never came so far, they could touch it. Never! And you can only defeat them in their game. And we were out of arrows" the smaller one complained.
"What is it with you and complaining? We defeated them. Drove them back to where they came from"
"And we were the only who didn't end up in the hospital. David will not come back to duty for at least 2 months! Thanks to you and your stupid idea's. Who can shoot the arrow farthest away from the gate. You know how David is"
"But I won. He owns me 50 coins and 10 emeralds"
"You're an asshole. You know that?!" The smaller guard's face grew harder. He was annoyed and angry at the stunt, his friend and fellow guard, Ethan, performed, right after the switch of the guards.
"Oh, Michael. Live a little. You don't die from having fun, once in a while. I don't tell Mr. Notch, if you don't tell him either. And we don't lose our job" Ethan patted Michael on the back. Both tensed up when they heard crunching footsteps, from behind a small house.
"Show yourself!" the smaller guard said. He drew his sword, ready to attack. A slender young woman, walked in the red stone light, looking quit scared and ashamed. She wore (favorite sport outfit) and some running shoes. Her (h/l) (h/c) shone in the red stone light.
"I'm sorry, if I scared you. I didn't expected you 2 walking around" the woman said.
"It's (Name)" The taller one said, laughing. "You were about to scare a girl to death"
"Shut up. (Name). What are you doing here?" the smaller one asked.
"I was out for a morning jog, before I have to go to work" (Name) said. The taller one laughed and shook his head.
"We know you. Your 'morning jog' consist less running and more climbing trees and jumping from one building to another" he said. He put his hands on his sides and gave her a face, like only a father can do. In response (Name) crossed her arms and looked annoyed at the guard.
"I'm old enough to do what I want. I'm not hurting anyone with it" she said.
"Only yourself. You could fall and break your legs. Or worse"
"At least I'm not leaving the city" (Name) defended herself. She was never allowed to leave the city walls. Something that pisses her off. Her heart was wild as the wolfs in the dark oak forests. But she's been tamed by her parents, who wants her to take over their bakery one day. She didn't like it and wanted to free and wild, going on an adventure, like most travelers were. Or become a warrior who fights Pig man in the Nether world. All too dangerous, her parents said.
"She right, Ethan" Michael said.
"Are you defending her?! She won't stand a chance against those mobs. Not without proper training, material, weapons, armor,..."
"Oh, Ethan. Live a little" Michael quoted his friend. "Just don't leave the city and be careful" (Name) nodded, said goodbye and ran off. "And there she goes"
"To her death" Ethan mumbled.
"Shall I tell Mr. Notch of your little stunt?" Michael asked, crossing his arms and smirking.
"No, please. I don't wanne lose this job" Ethan said.
"Than act like a guard" Ethan saluted and marched on, Michael following him, enjoying his own little stunt.

(Name), who ran the opposite direction, looked around, hoping for no one to be around, and climbed a tree. The only tree close to the wall, where no guard could see her, was where she can look over the wall and see the wonders from outside. She saw where the city ends and the forest began, she saw wolfs running around, hares hopping out of their home, and the sun peeking behind the hills in the distance.
"Today is gonna be a good day. I can feel it" Behind her the clock stroke 6 o'clock. (Name) cursed herself and jumped down on the ground. Her parents were gonna kill her, if she isn't in the bakery when they walk in. The reason she wake up an hour earlier, is ti enjoy her 1 hour of freedom, before getting back to her, what she called, Nether itself. An exaggerated thought, but true nonetheless. She passed the guards, who she saw earlier, greeted them once more and ran inside the bakery if her parents, 2 houses further. To her joy she didn't saw her parents anywhere. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth.
"(Name)! You were out again!"
"Shit!" (Name) turned around. A busted expression was on her face and she faced her parents. They didn't looked happy at all. Over time anger made his way over concern.
"We forbid you to leave the house so early" Her father said.
"I just went for a jog" (Name) defended herself, with the same excuse she used for the guards. Luckily they were smarter than her parents.
"You can't run in the town while it's still dark"
"There are literally red stone lanterns everywhere. 3 feet away from each other. The whole city glows like a Notch damn Christmas tree. No wonder the mobs could find us to easily"
"Those lights are for your protection, but it doesn't mean you have to go out in the dark" her mother said.
"And do not use Notch his name like that, young lady. You are lucky to live under his protection" her father said. Again with the protection of Notch. Like he cares about what's going on is his world. In any of his world he created. This 'God' has a high image of himself. Every city has a shrine of him and people had to pray for him, ask him for permission for certain things or travels. Even then he could be an asshole. One day a traveler paid a visit and told them about his discover. A mansion, 3 days traveling from here, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by forests. He didn't stayed long though, because of zombies and skeletons surrounding it at well. Even it was in the middle of the day, the sky looked dark through the rain clouds and thunder was roaring.
"I had to ran for my own safety" he said. The people were panicking. That's where all the mobs came from. The guards tried to keep the calm, while warriors made a plan to explore the mansion. Notch didn't gave them permission and forbid them to go near there. Like: come on! We could burn it down. That mansion is just spawning mobs, ready to kill us all. And the traveler? He didn't knew what he saw and said it was all dream.

It was clear (Name) didn't liked him, but she lived under his protection, so she had to deal with it. Her parents give her a lecture, but finally started to work. They have wasted valuable time and had to start before the rest of the city wakes up. They worked in silence. The tension was killing (Name) and it made her angry. Because of this, her father would help the people, instead of her. He commanded her to go into the city, to get some supplies, and after that to the windmill to gather the flour. (Name) took a deep breath, calmed herself down and left the bakery. Seeing the sun fully awake, made her a bit happier. One of her closest friends hugged her from behind.
"Hiya, (Name)!"
"(BFF name). You're cheerful as ever" (Name) said.
"The sun is out. It's gonna be a great day"
"I felt that too"
"I know" (BFF Name) looked at (Name). A smirk was showing. "You were out again"
"What?! How do you...Oh yeah. The tree is close to your house. You shouldn't spy on people, you know"
"I wasn't spying on you. I was awake and I saw you climbing up the tree"
"And why were you awake?" (Name) asked, even though she knew very well why. (BFF Name) smiled sheepishly and innocent. "You need to come clear with him" (BFF Name) has the biggest crush on one of the guards, and his post is right in the view of her bedroom window.
"I can't. I'm too nervous"
"You gave me an heart attack every time you see me, by jumping on my back. You can talk to him" (Name) said. She looked at the list her father gave her. He needed 2 bags of sugar, 3 dozens of eggs, 5 buckets of milk and different flowers.
"Looks like something is gonna happen soon" her friend said. (Name) sighed. "So...when are you gonna show interest in a guy"
"When I'm dead" I said.
"Pffh hahahahah. Now, for real"
"When I'm dead. Why do I need someone next to me. I can protect myself! Give me chance. I can defeat the Enderdragon"
"You are a baker, for Notch's sake! You fighting the Enderdragon, will end in you being dead, before you even set one step in his direction" (BFF Name) said. "You're not a warrior" (Name) ignored her. "You can't just stay alone forever"
"I never said that, but finding THE ONE...isn't easy. And most of the guys here are assholes. I don't want anyone and yes. I stay single as long as it needed"
"'s amazing to be in love. The feeling alone and you start dreaming about him. Or her. I don't know what you are into"
"Him" (Name) cleared out. "And dreaming about him? Is that what's happening with you?"
"Maybe. I ain't telling you"
"If you talk to your guard, I'll consider to go on 1 date. 1 date!" (BFF Name) screamed and hugged, before running off. (Name) chuckled and shook her head. She grabbed the last ingredients and made her way over to the mill.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

In some chapters, I will at he end explain what inspired me to write some of the idea's I got for the story and I will link the necessary information as well. So...keep an eye out for it.

- In this one, it's the name of the city. It's called Black Wood, because it's basically surrounded by Dark Oak forest.
- There is another one, but I'll explain it in one of the following chapters, for the ones who don't get it.

I hope you enjoyed it ;)

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