Chapter 2 ~ Don't force something you don't deserve

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(Name) carried the supplies in one hand and dragged the 2 bags of flour behind her. If this was a punishment for sneaking out an hour earlier, they have to come with something better. Anger she dragged the bags across the path. Those were big ones. Maybe her best friend was right and something special is gonna happen. Argh! That means working non-stop, meaning no free time. 

"I need to get out of the house. ASAP!"
"Hey, (Name). Let me help you" (Name) turned around. A smile appeared on her face.
"Steve! You're back!"
"Hehe, for a while" The man, called Steve, grabbed the 2 bags, threw it over his shoulder and walked next (Name). "Lead the way"
"What do you mean for a while?"
"I'm just passing by. Alex and I met some pilgrims, who wanted to go to the shrine of Notch, to pray. They wanted to stop in every city on the way to leave some offers by the smaller ones" Steve said.
"You mean the huge one? In Eden?" (Name) said. Steve nodded. (Name) sighed.
"I forgot you don't like him"
"I have to deal with him and his 'protection' anyway, so I make the best of it"
"He's not that bad" Steve said. "I met him multiple times. He is a caring man"
"I'm not surprised you met him. You are created by him. You and Alex were the first 2 humans in the world. Spawned in the world. Soon more spawns followed and they created the humans race. The ones who will born into the world and colonize it"
"You know your history well"
"I might be the daughter of a bakery, but I'm not gonna sit all day reading how to make bread and how to decorate cupcakes the right way" Steve burst into laughing, making her laugh as well.
"You're amazing" he said. Both couldn't stop, until they reached the bakery.
"Thanks for helping me, Steve. It's good to see you again" (Name) said.
"It's nothing. You shouldn't carry those alone. No...crush in your life?"
"Are you volunteering?"
"You wish. Anyway: I have to get going. Alex is waiting for"
"Have a save trip" (Name) watched as Steve ran to the middle of the city, before walking inside the bakery.
"Was that Steve?" her mother asked.
"Yes. He's here for a short stop" (Name) answered. "Do you need me with anything?"
"Yes, actually. A guest is gonna be here. You father is picking him. Please, go clean yourself up and put on something nice" her mother said. (Name) obeyed and walked up the stairs.
"Why do I have a weird feeling about this?"

The shower felt great and she was fully cleaned and ready to go.
"Oh yeah. I have to put something nice on" It wasn't to her liking. Something isn't right and she can feel in every bone. "Something nice. Not too nice, obviously" She grabbed a regular (2nd favorite color) tank top out of the closet and some old worn jeans. A pair of (3rd favorite color) sneakers has to do it. She pinned up her hair in a messy bun and looked herself in the mirror. She looked decent enough to greet whoever that 'special guest' is.
"Honey! Come downstairs, will you?"
"I'm coming!" she yelled back. She closed her room and walked down.
"(Name), dear. This is Jacob. The son of the chief warrior" A young, quiet good looking man, walked up to her and held his hand out. His diamond armor was bloodied and broken on some points.
"It's nice to meet you. Please excuse me for my appearance. We finally got permission of Notch to investigate the mansion" (Name) not impressed, took his hand out of respect. A nagging itch this is gonna be a bad day, was bothering her. Jacob brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it.
"Pleasure to meet you, Jacob" she said, in disgust. "Tell me: how will you feel if a girl is a better guard than you?"
"Uh...well. I'm thinking how she have the time to train, if she has to be at home. Being a guard or a warrior is not something for woman"
"I see. Please, exit through the door. Your services are no longer welcome here"
"(Name) (Middle name – if you have one) (Last name)!" (Name) growled.
"I'm joking. I can train you if you want. I can help you to be just like me"
"That's a good idea" (Name)'s mother said, hoping to ease the tension. "You can go now. Get to know each other" She pushed both her daughter and Jacob out of the door and closed it. "This was a bad idea"
"This is the last time she will act like a young child. Or she is gonna marry someone or she takes over the bakery"
"Harold, please"
"No, Marian! I have enough of her rebellious behavior" (Name) sighed irritated.
"You're a rebel, huh" Jacob asked.
"Why do you care?"
"I like my woman feisty" Anger boiled up and on instinct, she pushed him in the face. Jacob felt onto the ground. His nose started to bleed. He looked confused at (Name). She was impressed she could hit him so hard her started to bleed and she was pretty sure his nose broke.
"Sorry, I couldn't get to you balls" she said. She then turned around and ran away. Some neighbors, who were passing by, helped Jacob on his feet and asked what happened, since they didn't say (Name) punching him. Jacob didn't say who did and went to the hospital. (Name) ran to her friend's house and knocked on the door. Weirdly enough a guard opened it.
"Oh, hi (Name). You come for (BFF name)"
"Hey, Kyle" The guard greeted her and left the house, in a suspicious manner. "Uh...Do I wanne know?" she said, as she walked inside and closed the door.
"No. So what's up"
"I need to get away!"
"Is this the day everything went to Nether?"
"Yes! My parents wanted me to 'get to know' Jacob better. In the hopes of me marring him"
"Auwch. Lucky my parents aren't like that" (Name) growled again. "I'm sorry. Do you want to stay the night?"
"Yes, please"

(BFF Name) made her room ready for (Name) to sleep over. Her parents came back in the meantime, and said it was okay for her to stay over. Even they understand this was not the best way for her.
"I'm gonna tell your parents about this. I'll be right back" William said. (Name) sighed relieved and sat down at the table. Cloe, her friend's mother, placed a plate with steak, fries and vegetables in front of her.
"You can stay as long as you want"
"Thank you, but I don't wanne bother you. I'm sorry I had to come here"
"You are always welcome"
"You really need to leave the city. I'm thinking the same. When I'm old enough, of course"
"You need to see the world. There is much more out there"
"Like the mansion in the woods" (BFF Name) said. Her eyes sparkled from excitement.
"Jacob told me he went out there"
"Liar! Kyle said he never got permission to do so. He said it to impress you"
"To impress my parents. Not me. But you're right. I wanne know what that mansion is and why Notch forbid us to go near"
"Maybe that's where he hides the bodies of his victims" (BFF Name) said. She tried to look scary.
"So he IS creating the mobs" (Name) said. (BFF Name) shrugged.
"Could be. Could be not. You never know. Maybe Notch isn't alone"
"What? Like a brother?" (Name) said.
"Notch doesn't has a brother" Marian talked into. "If he has, we would have known about"
"Don't listen to her. She's not so open minded"
"I can be open minded. I don't think it's true though" (Name) chuckled. William came back. (Name)' parents didn't said much, but didn't disagree either.
"They are tensed" he said. (Name) sighed and apologized. After dinner, both girls walked up to the bedroom and sat down on the bed.
"Do you think Notch has a brother?" (BFF Name) asked.
"If he has, maybe I can pray to him for a miracle"
"You think of praying to him? (Name)! There is something more important" (BFF Name said).
"Like what?"
"How he looks like" (BFF) sat in front of (Name). "He must be younger than Notch. Much younger. I guess our age. Oh! What if..."
"No!" (Name) cut her off.
"But you could..."
"No! If he's real, he's a god and he's way out my league. Besides I don't want someone next to me. Oh and: he's not real. You heard your mother. If Notch has a brother, we would know about it"
"Maybe he did something and Notch has to hide him. Maybe he's bad"
"Right. The one who create the mobs. He also rides the Enderdragon for his amusement" (Name) started to laugh. "No. He's not real"
"Suit yourself. I think he's real. And I bet he's handsome"
"Like Steve"
"Oh! Someone has a crush one Steve"
"Of course I do. But he's not interested in an relationship. And I don't think Notch will approve it"
"Stick with your guard" (BFF Name) hit (Name) in her face with her pillow. The room soon filled with laughter and pillows hitting the faces.
"Girls! Be quiet! You should go to sleep. Tomorrow is another day to gossip"
"Yes, dad" (BFF Name) sighed and turned out the light. "Goodnight, (Name)"
"Goodnight, (BFF Name)"

To be continued...

Author's note:

Picture I used for the cover made by:

In this chapters my inspiration is the comic 'Sundown' by BaserBeanz:

The idea is that there is a bigger shrine to Notch in the city Eden.

Fun fact: When I was writing this, I came to a conclusion. Steve and Alex (kinda) are like Adam and Eve. Both were created by God. And the Devil ruined their perfect paradise.

In Minecraftia Adam and Eve are Steve and Alex, God is Notch and the Devil know who's just my imagination, I dunno.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter   

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