Chapter 3 ~ Disaster has brought you to me

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For once (Name) could sleep longer. No duties she needs to wake up early. And she was gonna enjoy it to the fullest. No one is gonna wake her up. They need a marching band for that. It wasn't just that. Something big, like a meteor, stroke the city and woke everyone up. The earth started the shake.
"What's going on?!" (Name) asked. William entered the room.
"We are getting attacked! We need to leave!" (Name) and her friend stood up and left the room, leaving everything behind. The sounds of panic was clear to hear.
"Shit!" (Name) said.
"The guards are evacuating the city! We need to go to shelter!" William opened the door. Soon after a rock landed in front of it, destroying part of the house. Fire spread around. "Come on!" William pushed his wife and the girls outside the gaping hole. The city was getting tiered apart. Fire was causing damage, smoke made it difficult to see where you were going, and if that wasn't bad, mobs were roaming the streets, looking for any survivors.
"This has to be someone's plan"
"Now it's not the time to think about the possibility of Notch having a brother" (Name) said.
"No, listen! Mobs don't attack villages and cities like this. Someone is leading them!"
"We need to get to safety first. And then we talk about their leader" William said. He grabbed the arm of his wife and daughter and started to run. (Name) followed close by.
"My parents!" she said, as she passed the bakery. "I need to look for them"
"They will be in shelter"
"I have to be sure" (Name) ran into the bakery, why William and his family head for the shelter. "Mom! Dad! Are you in here?!" No answer. "Mom! Dad!" Again nothing. (Name) ran upstairs. Smoke filled her lungs and made her cough badly. "Mom! Dad!" The roof collapsed and almost crushed her. She dashed out of the way. "Shit! Let's hope they are in the shelter" (Name) ran out the house.
"Mommy!" The cries of little child held her from running to safety. "Mommy! Where are you?!" (Name) looked around. Some dead warriors were spread around. She grabbed, what was left, of his armor and his sword. No shield.
"This has to do" She ran to where she thinks the child is. "Where are you?!"
"Help me!" (Name) followed the sound.
"Keep screaming!"
"I'm here!" A couple of feet to her left, (Name) saw a small figure in the dense smoke. (Name) smiled relieved. But that didn't last long as she could see a zombie approaching the child. (Name) sped up to them and pierced the diamond sword in its chest. Blood with hints of black and green, spattered over her armor. She then turned to the little girl. She was holding onto her ragged and burned doll.
"Are you okay?"
"Where is my mommy?"
"We will get to her! Come one!" (Name) grabbed her hand and ran with her towards the shelter. The girl started to cry. "Ssht! I'll get you to your mother" In the smoke, (Name) lost the way easily and was running around, afraid of what might happen when they were standing still. She had to stop, because the girl was getting tired. Even (Name) was out of breath. The girl pinched (Name) in her hand, making her look at how 3 Creepers walked towards them. "Ah shit!" she said, as the Creepers started to hiss. She grabbed the girl and ran in the first house she saw. The Creepers exploded, causing the building to start collapsing. "Hold on!" (Name) yelled, shielding the girl, and ran through the house. She slid under an support beam that was now heading towards the ground. The building turned into rumble after they left it.
"Mommy!" The girl freed herself from the grip of (Name) and ran towards a woman. (Name) groaned in pain and stood up.
"Are you okay?" Kyle asked. He came running for them, as soon they were in sight.
"I'm fine. But I have to go back"
"What?! Are you crazy?!"
"There might be still survivors out there! We need to help them!"
"This is suicide!"
"If you are not gonna help them, no one does. Give me some time! If I'm not back in 10 minutes, come look for me. I'll try to stay alive" And with that (Name) ran back in the fire of the city. Kyle sighed deeply.
"Stupid girl"

(Name) walked around, hoping for some movement. None so far.
"Hello?! Is someone still alive out there?" Nothing. "Hello?!" No one screamed for help. "It's probably a bad idea to yell" (Name) looked around. No mobs were seen anywhere. "What the hell? Where did they..." Before she could finish her sentence, she was being kicked against a wall, what survived the attack, surprisingly. The air was pressed out of her lungs. Coughing, she looked up to what attacked her. In the fog she saw a zombie approaching her. "That zombie has some muscles" she mumbled and grabbed her sword. Standing up was difficult to impossible and she landed back on the ground. Not that it matters. Her sword was ripped from hand. She then realized this was no zombie. Scared that this might be a new mob, she looked up. Her attacker was now standing 2 feet away from her. He wore had a black hoodie, the hood was pulled over his head. Further he wore regular jeans and sneakers. The most terrifying was his eyes. How could she not see them? They were glowing white. You could easily spot them miles away in the smoke. In shock, she kept staring, while also looking around for her sword. The entity smiled intimidating. That was sigh for (Name) to jump to wherever her sword was and hoping to stab him. But he won't let her. With an invisible force he grabbed her by her throat and pinned her against the wall. She started to lack air and grabbed to the invisible hand around her throat. The man walked up to her and grinned, watching her suffering. (Name) looked at him, with a pleading look in her eyes. The man flinched, his grin disappeared as snow in the sun. He stared at her for some seconds, before letting her go. (Name) felt to the ground. She started to cough, filling her lungs with air and smoke. It's better than nothing. In the corner of her eye, she saw the man approaching again. She looked up once more, scared of what he wanted to do next. However...No expression was seen on his face or his empty eyes. Just for a second, there was regret, concern. One second, but (Name) noticed it clearly.
"Who..." (Name) coughed again.
"(Name)! (Name), where are you?!" The man looked in the direction of the yelling, before running into the smoke. "(Name)! Thank Notch, you're alive!" Kyle and 2 other guards ran to her, helping her on her feet. "What happened?!"
"She's in shock. She needs to see a doctor!"
"Come one, (Name)" Kyle held her right and lead her away from that hellish place. (Name) looked behind her, but the white eyed man was nowhere to seen.

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