Chapter 4 ~ Our love, beautiful and forbidden

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After (Name) sneaked back inside, she went upstairs, to her bedroom, and threw herself onto it. She felt asleep immediately. She was exhausted from the emotions, fear and stress, she brought upon herself. However her sleep was not for long. Whoever that man was and what he said, bothered her the entire night. And the feeling of being unsatisfied. It all make her look like a zombie in the morning. Victor greeted her.
"Morning" (Name) groaned in response. "Short night"
"I couldn't sleep"
"Reading?" Victor look at the books on the table. (Name) yawned.
"No. I was about to read them now, but I was too tired" She stretched and grabbed the first book. "No many information"
"No much is known about him. He's dangerous and will kill on sight. This is all we have from those who saw him and survived" (Name) looked at him. "I'm actually curious how he got out of the Nether. I thought Notch destroyed every portal" Victor placed a mug of coffee for (Name) and took place at the table himself.
"You think...How bad is he?"
"As bad as he can be. Even saying his name can bring chaos or bad luck" Victor pointed at the book. "Although I don't believe that. My father never had bad luck when he spoke the name out loud" (Name) looked at the book and opened it.
"Herobrine" Victor shivered.
"Sorry. It's just...He killed so much on his path" (Name) nodded.
"Not many has ever witnessed the true powers of Herobrine. Not even me, and I'm lucky I survived his terrifying dungeon. He's known for killing on sight. So kidnapping someone and torturing is new"
"This is from years and years ago. Now Herobrine, kidnaps more people to torture. Mostly spawns"
"To piss off Notch, I guess" Victor shrugged. "I'll leave you alone" Victor stood up, took his cup of coffee and walked into his study. (Name) took the books and walked outside. The sun didn't shone today, but it didn't looked it was going to rain either. (Name) walked to the back yard and climbed in the tree. It didn't go over the wall, but it was high enough to look over it. Not that she want to. Why would she look over the wall? What is there to see? On cue, a pair of white eyes appeared from a tree. He looked directly at the house, looking for...her? He spotted her. He was too far away from where she was to see any emotions, but she could see how he called a spider to him and said something to it, before pointing at her. The spider nodded and walked towards the wall. (Name) waited for it to crawl over the wall and bring her whatever message he had for her. The spider came in sight and looked around for any guards, crawled down and up the tree.
"He wants to see you" (Name) screamed and lost her balance. If it wasn't for the spider to save her, she would break her neck. "Are you okay?!"
"Oh yeah. I'm fine. I have a great day so far. I woke up nice and cozy, it's not raining today and A SPIDER IS TALKING TO ME!" The spider laughed, or made a sound of a laughing spider.
"Only to those who deserve it"
"I feel honored"
"My apologies if I scared you, but writing you a note is to dangerous"
"Why does he want to see me?"
"He said he figured out what that feeling is that made him insane" (Name) swallowed.
"He does?"
"Don't worry" The spider looked at the books. "Oh you're reading about him"
"You okay with this? With him? With everything?"
"The world consist of 2 sides: The good and the bad. As cliché as it sounds, the good always wins. Don't you think this is getting boring?" (Name) was silent. "An Enderman can bring you to him tonight, if you want"
"I don't know. I..."
"He will not kill you. Believe me" (Name) sighed and nodded. "Great. Come out when you can" The spider jumped on the ground and made his way back into the forest, safely and unnoticed. Spiders don't attack at day, so they are no treat, but (Name) knew its better be safe than taking risks.
"This is a bad idea"

Later that evening, (Name) paced around in her room. How was she gonna sneak out? Victor is light sleeper, the guards as patrolling non-stop and climbing out of the window will be a big mistake. There was no way she could get out of the house. She stopped, froze on the spot.
"Why do I even wanne go out? I told myself I will forget about him when I get my answers! Why I am now figuring out a way to get out to see him?! What am I even thinking?!" Having almost a mental breakdown, an Enderman took her by surprise, by appearing out of nowhere in front of her. He was bend over her, due the fact he's too tall to fit in the room. (Name) could cover her mouth in time and muffled a scream.
"I'm here to take you. He figured out you couldn't leave the house" (Name) closed her eyes and turned her head away from him. Never look an Enderman in the eyes. "You have nothing to fear. He demanded not to hurt you" A silence felt. (Name) turned her head back and looked in the purple eyes of the Enderman.
"I...I don't understand..."
"He will explain everything. You don't have to come with me, but he absolutely wants to see you"
"I honestly do not know myself. As the other mobs. We are confused by our Master's behavior"
"You master?"
"If you have read the books, you should know he is our leader" (Name) was paralyzed. The eyes were hypnotizing. It made her forgot an Enderman was standing in front of her, waiting to take her to Herobrine. Herobrine. The demon who destroys cities, takes lives, torturing others, basically for his own amusement. He probably fly the Enderdragon as well, like she joked about it with her friend. A fun thought, gave her some courage.
"Okay. L-let's go" The Enderman nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Close your eyes. It helps" he said, like he knew teleporting is freaky for a human. (Name) nodded and closed her eyes. The ticklish feeling lasted for a second or 2 and made way for a cooler feeling. By the sounds she heard, she was outside. Slowly she opened her eyes. It's the same place as yesterday, but it was as magical as a fairy tale. (Name) was amazed. Fireflies lit up the place and flowers were planted everywhere.
"Roses! They are real!" She ran to a bush of roses. Darker red than the poppies around the world. "I thought they were a made up story by my parents"
"They all disappeared" (Name) turned around. The white eyed demon was again standing a few meters away. The nervous feeling is back again. "Not all, as you see. I could save some seeds. They grow in my secret garden"
"And yet you planted one here" (Name) said.
"Yes. For you"
"For me? Are you serious?" He nodded. "But...why. I mean I appreciate it. I only saw them in the wedding picture of my parents, never in real life"
"See it as a gift, from me" (Name) looked at him. White eyes or empty, they sure gave away a lot of emotions.
"I...Thank you. Although they don't need to be taken care of. Not that it matters. I'm not allowed to leave the city. Especially not after what happened" Herobrine was silent. Didn't apologized or anything. That's in his nature. Kill for fun. (Name) sighed. "I still don't know why you did this. Although the spider told me you figured out what was bothering you"
"Yes. I did. I..." The courage was gone in a sec. Is he nervous?
'Pffh. The great Herobrine is nervous' (Name) laughed to herself.
"Yes, I am. Deal with it!"
"Ah, fuck. I forgot about it" (Name) said.
"It's not easy to say this if you haven't felt this for ages"
"You talk like you're old"
"Immortal. And yes. I'm as old as Minecraftia itself"
"Looking good for you age" (Name) said. Soon after a blush took over her face. She turned away. 'Why did I say that?'
"Thanks. I'm trying my best to look representable. I wouldn't embarrass the great Notch" (Name) snorted and giggled in her hands, that covered her mouth.
"Good one" she said. She turned back and calmed herself down. " were saying something" she said, crossing her arms.
"Yes. I...figured out that this feeling, like said, one is I haven't felt in ages" (Name) saw his struggling with his words. "I...think I'm in love with you"
"You heard me. I'm not gonna repeat myself!" he said.
"You..." (Name) pointed at herself. "Wow. I...uh...don't know what to say. Well...Only that you're wasting your time"
"You are wasting your time. By even trying to win me over"
"You play hard to get, huh?"
"Yes. And I'm planning to play this for a long time. Besides: my parents want me to marry someone"
"But you don't want him either. Shall I kill him?" (Name) laughed.
"That would be lovely, but you can't get past the guards" She sighed. "Just...don't try it. Go home. I won't tell anyone about you" She turned around and started to walk towards the city. "I started this lie, so I'll finish it"
"So you lied about me" (Name) stopped. A busted expression was written on her face.
"You did. You had to chance to tell I was the one who attacked you, but you didn't" (Name) cursed herself.
"I don't why I did it" She turned around, only to see Herobrine now close to her. He was taller than her. Being dressed in all black let him blend in against the trees. But his eyes are glowing and (Name) felt save and at peace. Not scared anymore. And she read if you see his eyes, you should be scared and run for your life. Or pray he let you live. " did something to me too"
"Thought so. You wouldn't lie without a good reason. Anyone else would have told it immediately or screamed"
"But you would have killed them before they get the chance" Herobrine chuckled.
"Touché" (Name) looked at the sky.
"I should go back. If I don't get sleep, they get suspicious why"
"The Enderman will bring you back. Here" He took an enderpearl out of his hoodie. This one glowed, like it was enchanted. "If you ever want to come back, just call for an Enderman to take you"
"A secret ticket back and forth. For what reason?"
"Whatever reason you have to come and see me" (Name) smiled.
"Thank you" The Enderman grabbed her shoulder and teleported her back to her room.

The love of a Demon is forever ~ Herobrine x readerWhere stories live. Discover now