Chapter 5 - I will accept what I will cause

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The next morning she woke up, alongside her parents. She remained friendly, so they didn't get suspicious, why she was happy.
"Morning" she greeted them, as she sat at the table.
"Morning" her father mumbled, reading the paper.
"Morning, honey. Did you slept well?" her mother asked.
"Kinda, yes" (Name) said. She grabbed the bread and the butter.
"Oh. Before I forgot" her mother started. "We are going on a vacation. For 2 weeks" (Name) dropped her knife.
"We are going what now? For how long?"
"Vacation. 2 weeks" her father said, not looking up from his paper.
"What? Why?"
"I think we deserve that, after what happened" her father said.
"It will be relaxing" her mother said.
"And why do I know this now? And not like 3 days ago, or so"
"Well...we wanted it to be a surprise for you"
"You hit your head well and survived a Creeper explosion. The doctor told us it will do good on you"
"What about the bakery?" Her father looked at his daughter.
"Since when do you care about that?" (Name) was silent. She didn't, but 2 weeks.
"And when do we leave?" she asked, ignoring her father.
"Tonight. We have a long road ahead of us. You can pack after lunch" And gone was her happiness. How is she gonna warn Herobrine about this if they leave tonight. She won't see him for 2 weeks and vice versa. (Name) ate in silent. After breakfast, she stood up and went to her friend's home. Later that day 'till evening, (Name) and her parents started to pack their stuff for 2 weeks of vacation. (Name) didn't liked it and wanted to stay home. She even said she didn't need it, but her parents persisted.
"(Name)! We're going!" (Name) didn't yell back, but left her room and walked downstairs. Before she reached the door, she realized maybe the Enderman could warn him.
"I forgot something. I'll be right back" she said and ran back up.
"Hurry up. We don't wanne be late" her mother said. (Name) ran into her room and closed it. From a book in her bookshelf, she grabbed the pearl.
"Enderman! I need you!" she said. An Enderman immediately appeared before her.
"I'm here"
"Can you warn Herobrine? I need to go one a vacation for 2 weeks with my parents. Say to him I'll come the night after I come back. Say him I'm sorry as well, but I just know about this, this morning" The Enderman looked at her, confused, but nodded and said he will bring the message. "Thanks" (Name) said.
"I'm coming" (Name) smiled at the Enderman, placed the pearl back in the book and left the room. The Enderman teleported right after. "I couldn't find it"
"It might not be important than" her father said. He pushed his daughter out of the house and closed it behind him.

2 weeks later...

(Name) was happy when she finally came back home, from her forced vacation. Those 2 weeks went by slowly and she was counting the days. The vacations stop she went was beautiful, she won't deny it, but someone was waiting for her and she was eager to see him. She cursed her parents for this.
"That was a great vacation" her mother said. (Name) nodded and walked to her room. She closed her door, grabbed the pearl from her book and called for an Enderman. To her surprise none showed up.
"What the..." She tried again, but again nothing. She got into panic and tried couple of times more. To no avail. "No, no, no, no, no, no. Not now! Shit! I need another way" She left her room and went downstairs.
"Hey, mom. Can I..." Her eyes caught the paper of couple days ago, her father was reading. As head it was written that every portal to the End world is closed by Notch, to prevent the Enderman from getting into the Overworld. "He did what?!"
"Hmm?" her father reacted. He saw (Name) looking at the paper. "Oh. He closed every portal to the End. No Enderman will bother us now" he said, and continue reading. "He did the same thing with the Nether Portals"
"You wanted to ask something, sweetie?"
"I...uh..." She had to think of another way. She was thinking about Victor, but her best choice is her friend, who end up with her guard in her 2 weeks absence. Maybe she can ask him to close an eye as she sneaks away. She has to come up with an excuse though. "Can I sleep over by (BFF Name)?"
"Uh...sure. You have some talk to catch up to"
"Thanks" (Name) hugged her mom and left her house. On her way she was thinking about an excuse. A good excuse even Kyle will approve., no., that won't work either. She finally got one. Hopefully it gets passed unnoticed. She knock the door and acted casual. It was her friend who opened the door.
"Oh, (Name). I didn't expected you here"
"I'm sorry I had to come. I need a favor" (Name) walked inside.
" Your parents again?" her friend asked.
"Hmm...No. Well, kinda. I want to know how it is to live passed the walls. I was wondering...if your guard can give me save passage for tonight" (BFF Name) blinked a couple of times, as she looked at her. She then crossed her arms and smiled at her.
"Are you sure that's the reason?" (Name) swallowed.
'Shit! She sees right through me' There was no way back, if she figured out she's seeing someone.
"I think it's something else"
"You just want to build your house in the forest, in case you need to run away" (Name) her heart stopped beating for a while, before a sigh of relief took over her.
"Alright. You got me"
"(Name). You know you can trust me, with anything"
"I know. I was scared you'd be jealous"
"I am, but my parents are chiller than yours. I'll ask Kyle if he will help you. Do you know he's fired as a guard?"
"What? Why?"
"Because of me. Your soon-to-be-husband fired him"
"Don't say that" (Name) shivered. Jacob is never gonna be her husband. "Wait! Kyle is here?"
"We thought you were Jacob. My parents on vacation, so..." (BFF Name) opened the door to the basement. From the dark Kyle walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, (Name)"
"Hey, Kyle. I'm sorry about your job"
"Don't mention it. You need a save passage for tonight?"
"Yes. And many nights to come. I'll be busy working on a house" (Name) lied. Argh! She hate lying to her friend.
"I'll help you. I can give you some items to start"
"Thanks" (Name) smiled. She was happy she could see Herobrine. Hopefully it's not too late. She followed Kyle out of the house and to the wall, where his old position was. Some noob took it over from him and he was already sleeping.
"There is a blind spot by that door. Here's the key. It's a copy. You can find a chest on the other side. Take whatever you need. (BFF Name) and I cover for you when your parents are suspicious"
"Thanks, Kyle. You're a sweetheart" (Name) hugged Kyle and ran to the door. She opened and closed it behind her. From the chest she grabbed the tools, so Kyle doesn't get suspicious himself, and ran to the open place in the forest. "Please, be there. Please, be there. Please, be there" Tears rolled down her cheeks and she made her way passed the dark oak trees. As she approached the small house, she dropped the tools inside and looked around. Besides some fireflies and wild life, there was no other soul to see. "No! I'm too late! Argh!" (Name) collapsed on her knees and covered her face. She started to cry. He probably think she didn't care about him. That thought alone broke her heart. Her cries got lost between the trees.
"(Name)" (Name) turned around upon hearing her name.
"Herobrine!" She stood up and ran towards him. The white eyed demon ran up to her as well and caught her as she jumped in his arms. "I'm so sorry. I came I soon as I found a way out"
"Hey, it's okay. I knew you couldn't come without an Enderman. I wasn't going to be mad. We had figured out something" Herobrine said.
"He closed the portals. No Enderman showed up"
"I know. I felt it. Ssht" Herobrine tried to calm her down. "You're here now" (Name) finally calmed down and dried her eyes. "How did you managed it"
"Lied against my friend. Her boyfriend was a guard and he helped me. I said I wanted to make a house, for as I run away from my parents. They bought it"
"My sneaky rebel" He pulled her close and passionately kissed her. (Name) returned the favor. She missed him in those 2 weeks. "So..." Herobrine began. "How was your vacation?"
"Long. And bored. Ugh. I didn't even want to go. I would miss you"
"Hey! You're back now. I wasn't gonna be mad. Well...I am mad. At Notch and kinda at your parents too. But you here now. Don't worry. Where did you go?"
"Lapis Blue Paradise. Where the waters are as blue as Lapis Lazuli" (Name) rolled her eyes. "My parents wanted to go to Eden, but that's a month traveling" "You should visit it. It looks nice, I have heard. Especially after I attacked it last year" Herobrine chuckled. "Ah. Brother wasn't happy"
"Maybe. If I get permission to leave the city"
"Are you gonna pray to my brother, at his big shrine?" (Name) punched him against his shoulder.
"Who do you think I am? I don't even pray at the on in my city"
"Auw!" (Name) laughed.

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