The Fall Maiden

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I woke up, ash was everywhere and so was screaming, I guess I did my job right. I felt a sharp pain, I looked at my shoulder and saw a metal pole, through my shoulder.
Me: that's going to take some time to heal
I started to get up, and pulled the pole out of my shoulder
I dropped it and started walking, I was bleeding pretty bad.
Emerald: Y/N!!!
I looked up to see Emerald waving. I started walking up more.
Me: hey party people....what did I miss
Mercury: well you did the job right, Cinder wants to tell you something so she sent us to get you
Me: that's nice of her....where is she
Emerald: heading to Beacon to get the Fall Maiden
Me: lets go see her then
Mercury: Y/N your arm
Me: it's fine, I can make it....I AM THE VERY BE- Aw shit
I then collapsed to the ground, my guess is blood loss
Cinder POV
I saw the red head, she was in the chamber, next to the fall maiden, they just started giving her the power. I pulled out my bow and I shot the maiden in the chest. No one was getting that power but me. Everyone turned around to see me walking closer
Ozpin: children, run
Pyrrha: but Professsor
Ozpin: I'll be fine, go now
Me: will you really be ok Ozpin?
A few hours later, Y/N POV
Me: I'M UP.....where am I
Emerald: look around and you'll see
Me: a Firecracker around
Mercury: she's sill at Beacon, that thing then came
I looked up to see the dragon
Me: nice
I started getting up
Emerald: where are you going
Me: it's Cinder, she's normally get in and out, I'm gonna go check on her
Mercury: listen, she fine
Me: shoot me
Mercury: what?
Me: your legs, shoot me, propel me towards Beacon tower
Mercury: are you mad?
He did a flip and kicked me in the stomach, I was using my Warhammer to maneuver me through the air, I was almost to the top floor.
Cinder POV
I was fighting Pyrrha Nikos Until I heard screaming. Then a loud dink sound. Me and Pyrrha were clashed, we both look at the window to see Y/N, who hit the window, leaving a tiny crack.
Me: Y/N?!
Y/N: hey.....
He started slipping off
He then fell off the window.
Pyrrha: I'm so sorry about that
Me: it's fine, he's an idiot
I then punched her in the face
I was hanging on by the end piece. The walls then flew off the place, hitting me in the chest.
I then saw Ruby running up the wall
Me: NO
I swung with my weapon and kicked her, she used her Scythe to hold onto the wall
Ruby: you don't have to do this Y/N
Me: oh believe me....I do
She started running up again, this time she slashed me
Me: OW
She put her scythe away and ran to the top
I started pulling myself up, then I saw a bright flash of light
Ruby: PYRRHA!!!!
I heard the dragon roar and Cinder speak
Cinder: WHAT!!!
I jumped up, her light, whatever she was doing, was burning a little, I grabbed Cinder and jumped with her.
I crashed through a window, landing with her on top
Me: oh hell no, not like this
I picked her up, threw her over my shoulder and started walking with her
Me: you owe me unlimited puh for this Cinder you know that.
TimeSkip to the rooftops
Emerald: Y/N what happened
Me: call Salem
Mercury: are you crazy
Mercury took a step back, he looked at Emerald and she nodded.
Salem: What is it you need Cin- oh.....Y/N, how was the mission, I was expecting Cinder to call
Me: we need to get back to your fortress, I know she fought, but now she's hurt
Salem: it'll be ready in a few minutes
Me: please hurry
The call ended, I was holding Cinder, whatever happened, her eye looks fucked, her arm, I don't even know
She then opened one of her eyes.
Cinder: Y/N???
She then passed out again
The portal to Salem's fortress opened.
I picked her up and carried her in.
Salem: on the table
I placed her on the table, Salem started looking at her
Salem: she'll live, but she needs time to recover.
Me: if it's alright with you....I'd like to stick with her
Salem looked at me with a little disbelief. I then felt a hand on my shoulder
Hazel: Y/N.....go get some fresh air, then come and see her, I'll walk with you
Me: thanks Hazel
I started walking out, he followed
Emerald POV
Salem: ok what the fuck was that
Mercury: is it the emotion?
Salem: yeah, he normally laughs, even more so than Tyrian when someone gets hurt, but he looked as if he was on the verge of tears.
Me: maybe he cares for Cinder
Salem: but he doesn't care for anyone, that's the weirdest thing
Me: maybe we should talk to him when he comes back
Salem: four did your part, when she recovers, that's when you'll be working, for now, take it easy
Mercury: thank you
Hazel: alright Y/N...what happened in there
Me: I don't know, I have a feeling, I've never felt this for anyone
Hazel: it's emotion, something more than fucking people over
Me: it's just weird, I never get along with Cinder, it feels like my body moved on its own
Hazel: or maybe you like her
Me: what?
Hazel: when a guy and a girl don't get along, deep down they like eachother, they just don't know it, when she wakes up, tell her how you feel
Me: I'll take your advice
Hazel: knowing Cinder, she'll try to go out again, keep her in bed
Me: will do

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