One Last Struggle

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3rd POV
Raven lifted her hand and shot a small laser out of it, Cinder turned around, seeing the beam come at her. Y/N used all his strength and got up and jumped in front of the laser....right in the heart.
Cinder: Y/N!
Y/N: holy FUCK! That hurt bad
Y/N fell to one knee holding his heart.
Raven banged her head on the ground unconscious. Cinder flipped Y/N on his back and rested his head on her legs.
Cinder: come on please don't do this
Y/N: relax I'll be fine....just need to....hrngh.....ok that's not healing...yeah I'm screwed
Cinder: please....there has to be a way
Y/N: if there isn't....just know that I love you
Cinder: ....there has to be
Y/N: say it back
Cinder: but it'll be like a goodbye
Y/N: think of it more as a....see you say it
Cinder: Y/N....I love you
Y/N: there's my FireCracker....ok you may want to put me down now because I'm about to spit up some Bleeegh
Y/N'a mouth began overflowing with blood, running down his face, getting on Cinder's clothing and hand.
Y/N: that...probably isn't a good thing....but don't'll see me around
He closed his eyes and his body became limp.
Cinder began crying, she then looked over at Raven in anger. She got up and walked over and jammed her heel in Raven's back.
Cinder: you honestly think you will get away with this!?
Raven: it was meant for you bitch
Cinder: why....why him?
Raven: he got in the was an act of pure love....Hell you wouldn't have done the same, I can see it in your eye
Cinder: shut it....NOW!
She made a fireball but t was too late, Raven went through a portal back to her camp to get medical attention, and to spread the news of leaving.
Cinder: Y/N.....I'm so sorry
A portal under Cinder opened up and she fell through. She landed on the ground in front of Salem. Salem got up and grabbed Cinder by the collar.
Salem: come with me....
She let go and started walking, Cinder looked over at the throne to see nail marks and tissues.
Salem: now Cinder
She quickly followed, Arthur was heard partying in his room. Tyrian was crying and Hazel was....being Hazel. Salem and Cinder walked into a chamber.
Salem: hold this
She gave Cinder a red crystal
Cinder: what is it?
Salem: glass blood
Cinder: What!?
Salem: keep holding me
She started making a bunch of things and putting them together.
Salem: with all your power, or else this won't work, melt the blood and blast it into these items....all will be answered later
Cinder: are you sure this is safe?
Salem: probably not, now melt it
Cinder began melting the blood and launched it at the items. The items went together and there was a glow. There was a quick flash of orange before Metal was heard bouncing on the floor.
Cinder: what's happening
Hands stuck out of the smoke
Cinder immediately opened her eyes and smiled.
Cinder: Y/N!
She ran over and hugged him
Salem: so Y/ you know how you're alive?
Y/N: because I have the mother fucking plot armor on my side
Salem: I'll leave you's good to have you back
In the hallway Arthur was heard crying.
Cinder: I thought I lost you.....
Y/N: I mean you did for like...400 words
Cinder: I still don't know what that means
Y/N: just know that I'm back for a good long while....
TimeSkip to Y/N's room
Me: alright, it's me Y/N, you readers out there....thank you so much for reading a story about ME....or you....SHIT! Well, I have a note for you all.....ehem.....damn this note I stole from Arthur is difficult as shit....uh....well, I think it doesn't need a script

Well...I do believe this is the final chapter, it has extravagant advent-

Me: OH THIS THAT BULLSHIT! No more big words....thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed, read this asshole author's other books like "A Princess Story" *whisper* God knows that needs a name change *whisper stops* we also have let's see....oh "Hammeraxe" is back.....oh and what's this... MORE NEO X READER, I'm sorry Mr. Asshole Author, don't end the story yet! please? You give all those other books longer shit your first books are always 30 chapters with an expection of that Weiss one....well whatever.....bye you guys, hopefully I can be mentioned in the other stories

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