1-wait what-1

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Sophia lilis POV

I woke up early than usual just to look at some of my bills,I didn't even get paid this week so how am I suppose to pay this off,I sighed since I still had school and put the bills down,it looks like me paying bills just gets harder every single day,my friends live alone too but I'm pretty sure they don't have to go through this,

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door to my car starting it,I got a call from Wyatt and answered it,


"Hi Wyatt"

"Where are you?"

"On my way too school,why?"

"Just checking in,also because all of us are waiting outside"

"Ok be there soon,bye"

I hung up spearing a bit more,school wasn't that far away,it maybe took 5 minutes to get there and 5 minutes it was,I parked closest to the entrance of the school and checked the time before heading out,


I walked out to the entrance to see everybody there,oh but not normally,it was never normally with these kids,jack cursing out Finn while the rest were either recording or trying to break it up,


"No you listen DICK!She never even fuckin liked you so why the fuck are you always picking us over her"

Oh,that girl again,Tori some random girl that Finn has liked for some time,but I'm glad Jack is shutting him down because he really has been making major choices against us with her,Jermey was in the hospital one time he chose to have a chance to tutor her instead of come to the hospital and some other random bullshit,

"You know what,fuck all of you"


I yelled and everybody seemed to finally notice me,

"It's not fuck all of us,when will you get it straight that she does not even remember your name half the gosh damn time"

It began quiet,

"Listen we are always here for you and she's not,I'm begging you to notice us and then look at her,what is the difference"

"Sophia I-"

"It's everybody if your planning to apologize since you missed almost important times in our lives"

"It's just,I--I really have liked her for a long time,I talked about this with all of you and there's nothing in my head that knows what I should do"

He almost murmured the sentence,

"You need to let go"

I said looking straight into his eyes,

"Yeah,sure I guess"

I almost felt bad for him,I mean I've never gotten attached to a boy like that,

I hooked an arm around him neck,

"Come on you'll get over her soon enough,come on guys"


I sat down next to the window nearest to the back,it really made me comfortable,sometimes I wouldn't look at it all the time since I was focused on my education a lot,students started pouring in,I heard a few girls giggle and look my way,I caught myself to not roll my eyes,bitches are always trying something with me,the teacher didn't come yet so I just sat there looking outside,


I didn't bother to look,


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