2_Packing Sucks_2

16 1 0

Sophia's POV

I went home to...well we went to my home....as in all of us,I thought it would be quiet but they just made it different,I had a weird feeling that if we're going to be living together,it wouldn't exactly stay quiet forever,

"Alright first we need to think,who's house is big and may be able to fit all of us until we can actually gather money for another house?"

We all looked around at each other,

"How about Wyatt's,his house is pretty big"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"His room is not big enough to fit some of our beds"

"I have a bunk bed"

"You think this will make the situation better?"


Jaeden said,

"mother fucking Christ,guys calm down.Jaeden's house is the biggest by far we'll stay there"


"Alright guys,I need a computer and all of your ID's so I can manage our money together inside one bank account"

"Ok here"

I have him my computer while walking in my room,I took out the biggest bag I had and stuffed all my clothes in them,until Finn,Wyatt,and Jaeden came crashing in.

"Oh guys,you see that wooden rectangle staring up with a brown oval thing,yeah,that's called a door,it's used for people to knock and then given permission by the owner"

I said sarcastically smiling,Finn held in a laugh

"Yeah whatever,we're here to take apart your bed"

"You guys need any help?"

They said walking over,

"Nah we're good"

"Yeah,yeah that's what I thought"

"What was that?"


I walked out while they started to disable the bed and bring it out big piece by big piece,I say next to Jeremy

"Well good news,Jaeden was richer then I expected of what he told us last time,look"

We had more than 4,000 dollars still able to make it if we carried on every two weeks,I really think I'm the inky one who needs to get a better job,

"Are you fucking with me?!"

Jack said jumping behind me in the couch while chosen came to look,

"Who the freak in our club makes that much money?"

"I looked and it mostly Wyatt and Jaeden.If we all worked where they did it's possible that we could get a million dollars every 7 months,less or more"

"So you guys wanna work the-"

"Hay Wyatt where do you work?"

"I forgot it's name"

"That's tragic"

"Alright wee finish,everybody hop in the van were leaving...now"

Wyatt said getting some food from my kitchen,Jeremy took my laptop still needing to work on some things,we all got in the van

"Where to next?"

Chosen asked,we all looked around at each other,

"Uh,my house I guess"

Jaeden said,

"Then who's after that"

"I actually don't need anything from my house"

"Me either"

"Not here"

"Wait you guys don't need anything from your house?"

"We can move in with each other tomorrow,while we stay at our house for the last night we can pack"

"Uh,nobody told me about this"

"We just started talking about it doofus"

Finn said to jack,

"I'm not a doofus!"

"Yes you are!"

"Can you guys get any louder?!"

"Shut the hell up Wyatt!"

"You shut the hell up your the loudest!"

"Oh I'm the loudest who's SCREAMING"

"You are!"

Finn said,

"Can you guys be quiet for even a minute?"

I asked,

"Nope Sophia!YOU Know you are not innocent either!"

"That's right I'm nit innocent I'm a bad ass,everybody knows that already"

"Yeah that's kinda true"

Chosen said while everybody nodded weirdly,very very awkwardly weirdly,

"Alright guys jack and Finn here's your stop!"

"Get the fuck out of my van"

"Oh fuck YOU Wyatt"

"Your mom!Heheh"

"You creep!"

"Shut up Grazer!"

"At least my last name isn't from a frozen movie"


Wyatt and chosen said,but they weren't serious,chosen was just laughing,

"Oh,oh I see how it is JACOBS"

Jack slammed the door,

"Alright next stop Jaeden"

Next you thing know I was the last one to drop off,before I got out Wyatt told me to what,

"What's up Wyatt"

"You don't have to live with us you know,I mean being with us is already strange enough and your just surrounded by boys"

"I don't mind,I've dealt with it long enough"

"Are you sure,you'll still get money"

"I'm alone,I think I've had enough that"

"Alright Sophia,see you tomorrow loser"

"Bye loser"

We said laughing before I closed the door,I won't think that Wyatt's request was ever right,something tells me they'll go to jail if I'm not there to correct them,


Hay just wanted to say I love you first of all and hope you find this chapter weird,I just wanted to ask of you guys think I should post another book that's themed to be

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