5_Sweet Dreams At Dawn_5

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Sophia's POV

It's been 30 minutes and Finn and jack still haven't come out the car,we are currently signing into a hotel while I plainly looked at the door just waiting for them to hold hands,

"They're probably in the car doing some nasty sh-"

"For gosh sakes Wyatt,Jaeden come get your boyfriend!"

Jaeden looked our way and waddled over,

"Jack and Finn our taking it slow,you could see by the way in their eyes"

"Jeez Sophia have you not paid attention?They flirt not in the cutest way but sexually"

"Yeah that was all jokes smart-ass,they're now taking it slow because they could be serious about each other now"

"Guys can we focus on each other and not something I don't even know but guys,this is vacation,no arguing bitches!"

"Guys let's go!"

Chosen said heading to the elevator,

"Hold up,ill go get Finn and jack"

"Alright hurry up"

Jaeden said walking to the elevator,

I went outside and walked 10 seconds before seeing are car,I looked a bit closely but not so closely so they couldn't see me,Wyatt owed me some shit,I don't know what it was gonna be but he defiantly owed me,they were slowly kissing,Finn's hand caressing jacks face while jack had Finn's curls as from what I see,it was cute and I hated to break it up,

I knocked on the window with a frown,they looked up at me and stopped,Finn opened the door waiting for my answer,

"I really hate to end this but we need to go,we got our rooms.Ill make it up to you later by getting everybody out of the room for an hour so you guys could talk about...you guys"

"Thanks sophia"

Finn smiled while jack just blushed,

"No problem,let's go messy heads"

We jogged to the elevator while everybody was still waiting,

"Alright let's go hoes!"

Chosen said putting his arm into the air pointing it to the open elevator,

♛ R O O M ♛

"Yay!Were so high up!"

Jack jumped looking out the window,

"No were not,I didn't even sniff anything"

"Seriously Finn,for one second you could enjoy something"

Jermey said shaking his head,

"Oh I did,I enjoyed a lot of things"

Lucky me caught Finn winking at jack,jack put his head down blushing,my eyes are blessed

"So guys...literally.I was thinking that all of us could go run around the hotel for an hour,it's pretty big,no huge"

"Sounds good,right guys"

I asked looking at all of them,

"Yeah sounds fun"

They chimed in,

"Good that's what I thought you fuckers"

"What was the Finn?"

Wyatt asked since he was kinda close to him,

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