4_No Benifits_4

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Sophia's POV

I got pulled back and the door closed slowly shut,my friends didn't seem to notice but I kept my shit together,I looked at the person who pulled me in,it was some girl with very shit pointed eyes at me,


duh fuc this bitch called me,I'm usually calm but I had to get out of here,

"If you drowning down here takes whatever it does to kill you,then I'll die too"

I looked near me,

No weapons

Oh wait I have my fist,

I got up and punched the girl all the way back,I hates being violent but only in good circumstances,I pounded on the door just yo get somebody's attention,the water was getting to my hips,I took the wheel and spinner it,then from what I know is the girl wrapped her arm around my neck and tried to choke me,the door flew open by surprise by all my friends,

Wyatt grabbed the girl by her hair and bucked her back,Finn though had his eyes on the girl,but not in the best way,the most angriest way I'll probably ever see him,

"Guys let's go!"

Chosen said rushing everybody out,before I was boatyard to go out Finn started walking to the girl,

And slapped her?

"Finn stop!"

I pulled him back,tears filled his eyes,I rushed him out while some other person got the crazy girl out,we swam back to a yellow boat where we took our breaths,

"Finn who was that?"

Jack asked,apparently he had seen the whole thing,I glanced at Finn and he looked back at me,

"My stalker ex"

It made a lot of sense,

"She probably thought I was with you or something,I mean you are the only girl"

"The reason you broke up?"

Jaeden asked,

"We broke up because she's big crazy,but she cheated on me lots of times so I don't know why she wants me back"

"She threatened my mom,almost killed her,almost killed my friends,you guys but secretly"

"So you mean to tell us you never even told us this before?!"

Wyatt yelled,

"I'm sorry,I forgot all about her"

I'm glad she doing notice jack and Finn flirting,

"You can't just hit a girl like that,Finn,you could have told me to do that for you"

I heard laughs from my group,

"I just needed to get that anger out o her,she deserved it"

"Damn right that slut did"

Jack said,we all laughed again.Somehow I could see an island city or something like that,it was just this long big island with lots or buildings,

"Thank gosh we're close"

♛ S A N F R A N C I S C O ♛

We made ur to the edge of the a place,I don't know how we got here so fast or something but it just happened,then I saw a familiar bridge,

"Guys you still didn't tell me where we are"

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