8_If Finn Hadn't Dared Us_8

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Sophia's POV

We started to sit in a circle,only to discuss what just went down to Finn and jack,

"So...you guys wanna tell me why you all look depressed"

"Not the right time Finn,"

Chosen said shaking his head,

"Guys what happened"

Jack put a hand on Jeremy's shoulder but he was also in shock,Wyatt,who was next to me,took a breath in,

"Jaeden almost got raped,Sophia almost got beaten to death"

Finn looked around in is horror,

"Are you guys o--okay?"

"No jack,no none of are okay"

"Ok guys stop right there,first that is fucking horrible and I wish none of you had to deal with that,second heaven to the fucking no is that dirty ass pervert who dare touch my best friend gonna ruin OUR vacation trip"

"Yuh know,Finn's right.We can't let that pervert man bring our vacation down,especially bring us down"

It stayed quiet until I spoke up,

"No,we are going to stay strong,Finn is surprisingly right,no way is this pervert gonna ruin this,let's have some actually fun"

"Yeah ok,I know silent will drive me crazy anyway"

Chosen said starting to get up on the bed,

"Alright losers move your butts to the bed,mine is getting numb"

Jack said getting up and all of us too,we were now all in a circle in the bed,

"Ok so we're in a circle because"

Wyatt said next to me,I looked over to my right since I knew someone else was gonna answer,I saw Jaeden still in shock,while the rest of us were moving up to forget what happened he stayed put,I swung an arm around him,

"Loosen up,it's never the same without you"

"I'm right here sophia what are you talking about?"

Jaeden chuckled,

"Are you really Jae"

"Alright hoes we're playing truth or dare"

Jack said clapping his hands,

"Ok....WYATT,truth or dare"


"pussy,alright is it true that you have ever....kissed a boy"


I thought Wyatt had looked over to me,but he was looking at the person to the side of me,they're so cute

"Ok how about sophia.Truth or dare"


"Ok I dare you too go out and scream pussy as loud as you can"

Finn and chosen were trying to keep in their laughs which they only sounded like winded bottles,I got up and opended the door,why,why are there so many people walking by,my friends crowded behind me keeping in their laughter,what's even worse is that these people could clearly see me,

"I change my mind,say pussy as loud as you can 7 times"

"what the fuc-no!"


My friends whispered yelled back,I wished my self luck,


I pushed through my friends back into the room calming myself down,

"I hate,every single last one of you,for not stopping me"

Wyatt tripped down in the floor,not containing his laughter but rather letting it spill all out,and I realized the others were doing the same thing,it looked like my they were suffocating,

"Ok guys I'm tired can we stop now"

I got a pillow and went down on it,

"Ok but first let me go,please guys"

Finn said jumping,

"Alright sure"

I said shrugging,

"Ok this time I dare all of you"

My eyebrows furrowed,

"What's a dare that we can all do at once?"

"You'll see"


I want to tell you guys something because people on wattpad or at least the people I know so far our very,I don't know what to say but it's like beautiful souls and nice,I really like where I am and there this girl who's book o read and she just seems beautiful,there's also other people here that are as beautiful as well,I will probably tell you guys her name but she really doesn't know me,I what to say I really love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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