Original Character introduction 4 and 5 of ?

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Name: Yuu or Yusuke
Hero name: IDK RN IT'S "Beastmaster"

Quirk: Plantbeast Summoner, as long as he has on hand touching the ground and calling the name he's given them he can create Plant mosters. 4 to be exact. Nurse (Nurse), Heavy Attacker (Artillery), Speedy Attacker (Deoxys [heh pokémon]), and Defense (Wall). Depending on the terrain he's at the plants will look different to match the species that naturally grows there, this also affects their effectiveness. He can only safely summon 2 beast at a time otherwise he becomes incapacitated and will have to climb inside of Wall.

Skills: He's not very great with hand-to-hand nor with firearms. He prefers to use his quirk, but he does have a whip, just in case.

Hero Outfit: (I've never real thought about it) Maybe something in between a tuxedo and gardeners outfit? Eehh...um OH YEAH the most definite thing about his outfit is his full face, heavy duty, gas mask and multiple pockets for different kinds of allergy pills and filters.

He's extremely allergic to pollen and if he doesn't take his allergy pills regularly or where some sort of mask, he'll be homebound for a few days. Likes to be in-the-know about the newest fashion. Enjoys sweets with cold black coffee.


Name: Kotoshi(?)
Villain name: Game Master

Quirk: Skill Screen(?). Just by looking at someone he can determine their Quirk how it works, skill capability and weaknesses. He, however, can't turn it on or off. And if it overloads he becomes blind temporarily. It does not work through television or digitally enhanced goggles.
He has experience an overload of his quick before (when it first developed) that was both extremely painful and left him blinded of a good 4 days.
He and Lilith are actually friends (they met at the Hospital and he told her what her quirk is) and she has no idea that he's a villain.
He's only a villain because he's trying to save Lilith's life (give me some more # you'll find out how) and he became an info broker for the small gang of villains.

He's 2 years younger than Lilith and was originally supposed to be her brother. But due to a more interesting story I made him a friend who has basically falling for her.

Skills: Master at lying and getting out of sticky situations and has gotten used to walling around blind.

Villain outfit is a steampunk esk fashion.

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