Chapter 4

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A couple days goes by and Butters doesn't get bullied. On Thursday Butters walks out the house to see that Kenny isn't standing outside his house. He sighs and slowly walks to to the bus stop noting wanting to see Stan nor Cartman.

   Seeing the bus stop up ahead he sighs and tightly grips his bag. Standing a couple feet from the three he looks down the road wanting the bus to drive up.

" Hey Butters."

He doesn't look over towards Cartman and he can hear heavy footsteps. He takes a deep breath and waits for the pain. Cartman and Stan walks up behind Butters and both smirk towards each other. Each lifting a foot up they start to laugh. Butters yelps when he feels a pair of feet making contact with his back. He falls forward and lands in a pile of snow which soaks his clothes.

" Come on Kyle " Stan says

Kyle walks pass Butters and sadly smile at him. Butters stands up and wipes the snow off his clothes. Slowly climbing on the bus he sits in the front and tries to ignore the whispers he hears. Tears threaten to fall as they pull off from the curb.

   The first two classes went great because he didn't have Stan or Cartman in those classes. The third class he walks in and has to sit in front of Token, Stan and Cartman. Butters hears whispers and tries not to let the tears slip down his face.

  Just then he feels something hit the back of his head and he slowly turns around. Token laughs along with Stan and Cartman.

" Awe look at the fag, he wants to cry." Stan says

Both Token and Cartman begins to laugh a little harder. Butters turn towards the front to see the teacher writing something on the bored. Quickly he begins to copy down what she writes and listens.

  The rest of the day went alright because Stan and Cartman been busy with detention at lunch time and he didn't have them in any other classes. Once the last bell rang everybody rushed out the classes into the halls. Butters takes his time to stuff his bag and make his way to his locker.  The halls were emptying and Butters was still at his locker when he heard a loud bang next to his head. He closes his eyes and jumps a little bit.

" Haha he's such a scared little fairy."

Butters just leans his forehead against his own locker and hope they will leave him alone. Of course that wasn't going to happen because they loved bringing Butters pain.

  Instead of leaving him alone they pushed him and his chest hit the locker pretty hard. He got the air knocked out of his chest and he was trying to breath when Stan pulls him away. He trips and falls onto the floor along with his bag. Stan, Cartman and now that he can see Token is laughing at him. They were walking over him and each one spit on his face. Waiting for them to walk through the doors he stands up and wipes the spit off his face. He heads home for more emotional pain that drains him.

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