2-Growing Fangs

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You woke up early in the morning, ate breakfast and got ready for your first class. You were a full time student and worked part-time at a bakery. As you were getting ready you received a text.

Hoseoky: Have you contacted Jimin at all since last night?
Hoseoky: I stopped by his apartment last night, I don't think he was there. I don't know what you guys fought about but could you check on him later? I got work.

Sure. Don't worry about it, I'm concerned too.

Sighing you completely forgot about the fight. Not because it slipped your mind but it hurt to think about it. Locking your phone and your apartment door, you leave for class.



A feral cat swipes at Jimin's arm. He gets up in a sluggish fashion, his eyes adjusting to the afternoon sunlight, shielding them with his hand. My head is pounding like hell and my neck is killing me. Fuck!

Checking his pockets to find he still has his phone (the battery was dead however), apartment keys and wallet.He walks out onto the sidewalk making the long trip to his apartment.

Trying to remember what happened last night a series of flash images raced his mind triggering an instant headache.
After a series of texts to Jimin you decide you needed to see him. "Jimin? Can you open up the door?" You knocked on his apartment door only to be met with no response. After half an hour you started getting ticked off, hitting the door more aggressively.

"Jimin! Open up now, I need to talk and explain! I'm sorry okay?!"

The neighbors started opening their doors to see the commotion. You looked at them and then at his door one last time before storming off to catch your shift.

Hoseok visited you at work to buy some pastries. You know what he's about to say as you ring him up. "No I haven't. I don't think he was at his apartment either." You say abruptly.

"I didn't say anything." He looks shocked.

"You didn't need to. He just needs time." You reply and hand him the bag. He looks as if his plan was over before it started, he nodded and waved halfway out the door. You did the same.


Unlocking the door to his apartment he closes and locks it behind him. Before slumping onto the couch he plugs his phone in to charge before sleeping.

He has vivid memories on repeat about the events leading up to his death. Suddenly waking up in a panic and his body is drenched in sweat. He shakes his head trying to forget about it. The blond man goes to pick up his phone to see a barrage of phone calls, voicemails and messages asking if he's okay. How annoying

Getting up to go to the bathroom to shower he stops to look in the mirror. His plump, soft lips cut, his cheekbone still swollen and his eyes puffy. But what caught his attention were the red rings across his throat. He lightly tried to reciprocate the action with his own hand over his jugular, the marks were much bigger than his hands. He shudders at the thought.

I know I got my ass beat but that dude could've killed me if he wanted to.

Hopping into the steaming shower he washes the remains of last night's sweat and blood. He gets out and changes. Walking into the living room to respond to the messages.

I'm okay.
I'm back at my apartment you can see me to make sure if you want lmfao. I got my ass handed to me.

Hoseok: I'm on my way dude

Wait. Don't tell y/n though.
I still need time.
Hoseok: ...
Hoseok: okay

He leans back into the couch, staring at the ceiling. No longer angry but still incredibly hurt and confused. Why wouldn't she tell me.

Knock Knock
Jimin opened the door to be attacked by a hug. "Jiminie!" Hoseok says before pulling away. He punches Jimin in the stomach. "I know you got the shit kicked out of you but I just had to." He says in a pissed tone. "I get it." The man says slumped over the couch in pain. They began talking.

"What?! She's leaving?! She didn't tell me either." Hoseok has the same expression as Jimin when he found out, only significantly less angry and more hurt. "Yeah. That's why I got shitfaced last night. If I lashed out at you I'm sorry man." Hoseok puts his hand over Jimin completely understanding.

"When do you think you're going to be able to face her again?"

"I don't know, hyung. I really don't." Sadness washes over Jimin's face. Hoseok rubs his back in an attempt to comfort him, it works slightly.

"I gotta go. But I'm happy you're okay. Well, not dead." The older man laughs and waves at a slightly grinning Jimin.



The door closes and Jimin is left with a sudden hunger. He goes to his fridge to heat up some leftovers. After eating he still finds himself starving. He quickly heats up more a lot more food but is still left with an unsatisfied stomach.

What the hell? I cooked half of my fridge. Maybe I'm just thirsty.

He sprints to his cabinet to grab a gallon of water on the floor, ripping the cap off and drinking the whole thing.

It's still not enough! What the fuck?!

He quickly tries to calm down and catch his breath.

It's probably nothing. Calm down, Jimin.

He shakes his head then proceeds to the bathroom to splash water on his face and brush his teeth.


A sharp, searing pain courses through his teeth causing him to drop to the tiled floor. He cradles his jaw in attempts to soothe it but it's very much not working. "AAGHHH!" He screams and groans in intense pain and panic. "FUCK!"

He feels the pressure most in his canines, he brushes his finger over to the troublesome area and his heart drops as he tastes blood and he feels the tooth growing.

Originally in too much pain to move the adrenaline kicks in and causes him to get up to look in the mirror. And low and behold he sees it.

His two teeth growing and morphing into a sharper form, blood coming from the base of both canines.

He's terrified, confused and is at a loss for words. Instead of trying to calm down the poor boy blacks out on the bathroom floor.

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