Chapter 1: Adoption

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(A/N): Your mother will be me/my character so remember, your romance story revolves around the A.S.L bros. Slow burn so please be patient and Enjoy~

Edit: This book may be completed but the story has been discontinued in the second half of this book. If you want to still read for fun, be my guest. It's a good story and might come back to it one day.

Summer, one of your favorite seasons, but you can do without the blistering heat. The only benefit attending summer camp. To your dismay, you didn't want camp to end if it meant leaving your friends for another year. They were important to you. Why? Well, let's just say your home felt anything but it's name and with it a lonely life of a single child. Friends excluded because you haven't been able to make any and you've tried.

All the kids have packed up ready to leave behind their adventures. Meanwhile, you sit in the cafeteria in your red and white uniform sighing as you play with your tray of food, head resting on your propped hand. Three of your summertime friends sit with you, all wearing frowns mirroring your expression. They are aware that you are taking it harder. Pandora, your closest friend, pats your head apologetically. "Hey, I know it will be difficult to say goodbye, but you know there is always next summer, right?" She started. "Yeah, but that's a long way." You pout. "True, we also have Skype and video games, girly." Cara reminded. Her accent was oddly thicker than her younger sister, Denise. "Yeah, but it's not the same as having you guys with me to do actual stuff!" You complained. "We know (y/n). It's all we can do while we're apart. Now, for the time being, let's enjoy what time we have before we leaving tomorrow." You nod in agreement as a smile begins to tug your lips.

The evening was spent stargazing building forts, funny storytelling in your pajamas. Every second was cherished as the clock ticked for dawn's early light. When the fun was over and rest was in order, you lied awake staring at the bed above. Sleepless nights like this you wished you had chosen top bunk instead of the bottom. Luckily, the moon is in your visage as you contemplate home. Pandora's hushed call breaks your train of thoughts. She hangs upside-down and arm outstretched handing over a gift. A black, leather bracelet with gold stitchings shaped in your cabin's symbol. (E/c) eyes briefly sparkle then shift over to her quizzically. "It's a friendship bracelet." She chuckled. "A friendship...bracelet?" You parroted. "Yeah, that's to remind you of our friendship. No matter how far away we are, we'll always be there for each other." You smile softly in awe before throwing it on. You whip over to the grinning blonde sisters on the other side revealing their band. You couldn't ask for three great friends. "Thanks, girls. You're the best." Content, you finally fall asleep holding onto your accessory over your chest dearly.


The next day, children rounded up by the busses for departure. The ride was your last moment to bond with gossip. The topic landing on boys and how Cara actually might have a crush on one of her schoolmates to which she hopes to ask him out or even have him in the same class the upcoming fall. Boys, they were the one thing never on your mind. Perhaps because you were nine? That should be no reason when you are near the age to start crushing on kids your age. Are you by any chance abnormal? You shake your head finding the notion unnecessary to worry about. If this was what the ride will be consumed about, then you wished to be home soon.

The bus stops at its destination. When you hop out of the large vehicle, you start searching the station for a familiar face. She stood out from everyone, and that person is your mother waving for your attention. Copper-skinned, black gloves all the time when out, black leather jacket over her white blouse, black denim jeans over her brown boots. This woman always seemed to dress in black and white no matter what. You smile wide running up to her as she lifts you up into a spinning hug. "There's my baby~!" She chimed. Her cheeks rub against yours causing you to giggle. She is always a bubbly, and affectionate character you're grateful to have in your life given how she is the only parent you have. "How was camp?"

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