Chapter 2: Greetings

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"What are you doing in my room?" The boys gulp hard searching for an answer to no avail. Your eyes drop to the blonde holding your diary and snatch the journal away holding it dear to your chest. "Who gave you permission to enter my room and touch my stuff?" You gave no time to respond. "Get out!"

"W-wait we didn't mean to-" Sabo flails his hands attempting to explain. "I DON'T CARE, JUST GET OUT, NOW!" Your outbursts were enough to push the three out into the hallway where they trip into a pile. The boys groan as their vision returns to focus on you, and for a brief moment, imprint your flustered expression covered in tears as you slam the door shut. "Geez, what a drama queen. She didn't even allow us to explain." Ace huffed. Sabo felt guilty but shrugs away the feeling. "Well, we did just invade her privacy, Ace. It's a natural reaction."

"Girls are weird," Luffy commented. "You said it. Now come on, we still have to choose a room. Let's just comply to whatever that lady requested." Both boys trail behind the elder brother. You, on the other hand, slide against the door holding your journal tightly sniffling as tears cascade down your face onto your lap. You heard everything. The hurtful insult is their impression of you? A drama queen? It felt like school all over again. Will your sanctuary rearrange to another hell hole? You shudder at the thought then shake the thoughts away as you resume to bawl your eyes out on the pillow until you pass out.


Meanwhile, Veronica reenters to find the boys in their chosen rooms. Sabo has picked the space with stacked books to which she speculates has an allure to him as he is absorbed into one about how to navigate the world. She hums perturbed by the level of his reading. It wasn't meant for a novice unless the kid was a genius. Next is Ace who chose the room across from Sabo. In it holds nothing but a fireplace. The raven-haired boy is entranced by the dancing fire as he sat on an orange bean bag chair. "Arsonist." She muttered under her breath. "And how in the world did he start that fire?" Her violet eyes shift to Luffy's room beside Ace's. He made the most noise with his laughing. He found the toy chest where it kept all of your old trinkets. Luffy held a Barbie doll and started to wrestle with it. She chuckled in awe of his imagination. "I see you've all found your domains. I know there is not much in there. I haven't taken the liberty of stuffing anything inside since I don't get very many visitors. What's say we order some furniture of your choice?" The trio nod in agreement.


The rest of the afternoon is spent in the living room ordering furniture. Luffy wanted a pirate ship bed called, "Thousand Sunny" and a few other things that started to shape into a pirate theme. Sabo and Ace did not participate as they simply allowed Veronica to decide for them.

         In the evening, you forced yourself up with a yawn and noticed it was dark. You let out a sigh hoping the boys from earlier were gone. You hoped they were your mother's client's kids or something and that they weren't serious about picking a room. Oh, how you were sadly mistaken. Still wearing your school uniform, you waddle into the kitchen surprised to see the boys wolf down their food. "(Y/n)! There you are baby girl~" The snowy-haired woman sing-songed. "I was wondering what happened to you. I called you down for dinner twenty minutes ago. Are you feeling alright?" Cheeks grow rosy when stealing a glance of the trio. Why did you blush? Well, perhaps because you've never had contact with the gender. You mumble a response to which she asks, "What?"

"I said I took a nap!" You croaked. You peer down sheepishly twiddling fingers. "Oh! No wonder I couldn't hear you. Are you hungry? I bought Chinese food." She sets you beside Luffy then hands you a served plate. You slouch as all eyes remain on you. "Oh don't be shy (Y/n). You're going to have to get used to them." Brows furrow in confusion. "You're probably asking why, huh? (Y/n) the boys are officially your brothers. Say hello to the new members of our family. Yay~! I adopted them this morning." Your eyes widen in disbelief. How could your mother make such a decision without talking to you? Is she unhappy? Thoughts ran through your mind like every child learning about their new sibling. You slam your hands on the table outraged. "What?" The room turns silent. Luffy slurps his noodles watching the scene. "What do you mean what? Did you not ask for siblings? I thought you'd be ecstatic about this."

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