Chapter 14: Thanksgiving Pt.2

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(A/N): Hello all! I know it's been a long time but shit happened and I was lost and now I'm back for sure. I have the next chapter ready to be written. This took me three days to write on paper as an experiment to see if I liked, which I do, but then I had to type it which took two more days in total five freaking days and I could not wait to share it so unfortunately I'll be writing on phone/computer from now on just to make things easier and quick even though I did make a bunch of changes that almost revealed a lot of secrets hahaha. No no my dears you shall not know just yet what I have planned ;) In general this chapter is long although I feel there should have been more I am currently stumped so it will do. ~Enjoy the make up story~

Also: Credit to Legna El

for suggesting the boys go hunting. Thank you <3 If you have any suggestions let me know.

"Did you hurt Dillinger?" Doflamingo asks. His voice rumbles sternly. All eyes land on the tall, intimidating man. Fear Paralyzing the trio including you. You didn't know Doflamingo very well regardless of him being your uncle but judging by the way your grandfather and mother have warned you to be careful around him. They never Specified why, yet you heed their warning It was unfortunate that your brothers were not informed.

Your voice hitches in the back of your throat for a brief moment. The fear struck onto your brothers caused you to shake all your nerves away to step forward and defend them.

"I-it was Dillinger's fault for taunting Ace! He also made the first strike. It was an act of self-defense." Curse yourself for stuttering. To him you must look weak after doing so. Your brothers snap out of their paralysis only to be engulfed with surprise that you are the one standing up for them after months of protecting you. The tables have turned. Sugar and Dillinger are the more astonished that you, the silent girl, spoke up.

"That's not true and you know it!" Dillinger retorts in the background. Your brothers glare at the brat. Dillinger shivers in response. The garden grew silent as Doflamingo continues to speculate and make a conclusion.

You step back until you stand in line with your brothers. Doflamingo, approaches you all. Trebol and your cousins watch in suspense. Snobby bastards. Ace peers over to Luffy and Sabo to catch a glimpse of just how scared they are. He decides enough is enough. The boy takes a step forward.

"Say something already!"

"Ace?" You all question.

"I'm willing to take the punishment as they're spared. I don't regret beating that punk. He deserves it for starting shit." At that Ace is lifted by the scruff of his hoodie. Ace let's out a faint squeak. His onyx eyes meet the man's shades. Luffy and Sabo become defensive.

"Oi! Set him down!" Luffy barks.

"Didn't you hear (Y/n)? Dillinger acted first." Sabo adds.

Doflamingo continues to ignore the children's complaints. Dillinger, Sugar, and Trebol chuckle darkly.

"It's no use kids. Once Doffy makes up his mind there is no stopping him." You become fearful for Ace. You hoped and portrayed your uncle isn't as scary as you portray him to be. You would give anything to be proven wrong.

"Doflamingo, what are you doing to Ace?" Corazon, your grandfather interrupts. He seems worried mirroring yours once he found all of you huddled together before your uncle. You smile wide. You've never been so relieved to see your grandpa. Your uncle acknowledges Corazon's' arrival.

"Oh! Hello Roscionante. You know these kids?"

"Yes, they're Veronica's kids. Did you forget what I told you already? She adopted those three boys." It seems your uncle drew a blank. Your grandpa sighs. "They are the boys on that pirate, ride video she sent months ago?" A light bulb pops up recalling. He suddenly bursts out laughing. You tilt your head confused.

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