Chapter 3: A day out

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(A/N): I'm sorry for the late post. I've been procrastinating this mostly because I was stumped halfway, but now I have some new ideas so I'm back! I can't wait for the next chapter myself. Thank you for the wait now enjoy~

Morning came in a flash around seven-thirty in the morning, with music is blasting throughout the house. The only other person up under these conditions is none other than your mother. The light peeks through the room through curtain. You yawn forcing yourself up rubbing your tired eyes, hair in a mess after a good rest. You surprisingly woke up a little happy, even curious to know what today brings you. Hopping off your bed, you make your way down the hall. Your small feet patter along the wooden floorboards as you pass by each room, the doors squeak open behind you. The first being Sabo, next is Ace. Both boy's rubbing their tired eyes just as you were moments ago. They still wore their tattered clothes from yesterday. Mindlessly, the boys follow you to inspect the commotion down stairs.

         Once they reach the last step, the sound of sizzling, music and gentle singing become clear as day. You were unsure, but swore that once the scent of food came close to you guys, Sabo and Ace tread a little faster dazed like something out of a cartoon. You shrug the thoughts off returning to your main question of what was going on in the kitchen. All three of you halt at the doorway finding Luffy standing on a stool by the island table in awe of your mother's cooking. She cooked to the beat of the song. You tilt your head just as confused as the two beside you. "Mom?" You piped up. She turns to find all three of you. A smile greets you all. "Morning you three. Breakfast will be ready soon. Luffy here woke me up asking for food. I've decided to cook you a special breakfast feast." Luffy snickers with delight as he gets excited seeing his ham being cooked. "Meat! Meat! Meat!" He chanted. "I can't wait!" You giggled at his excitement. You assume food is everything to him after yesterday's display from wolfing down his plate. "Settle down Luffy you'll all get breakfast after you all wash up." Luffy frowns in displeasure. "(Y/n) darling, I want you to start showing them the house rules. The do's and don'ts." Ace huffs placing his hands on his hips. "I suppose these rules are all about chores and cleanliness like Dadan?" Your mother spins on her heel with a wide smile raising her spatula. "Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner to the tsundere with black hair. You are a very bright young man. That sounds hard to a child, but I promise if you deal with it first you don't have to worry about it later." She winks. Ace grumbles crossing his arms as a tint of pink shade his cheeks. "Well duh. It's a little obvious what every adult wants and what the hell is a tsundere anyways?" Your mother ignores his question now focused on the stove. You let a giggle escape earning a small glare from Ace. "S-sorry. I couldn't help myself." You shift your body a little then turn to lead them upstairs. "Come on. Let's go wash up. I'll show you what mom expects you to do every day in the mornings." Ace and Sabo look at each other then turn to Luffy to drag along to Luffy's dismay, cries over having to leave the kitchen filled with lovely scents of food.

       All four of you enter the upstairs bathroom. A tub/shower in one, a large sink with a mirror and a toilet bowl. On the sink is just your toothbrush. A (favorite color) tooth brush. A stepping-stool for you guys to reach the sink perfectly. "Okay. So every morning she expects you to brush your teeth, and wash your face. That's pretty much it. Oh, and before you even try to leave the house, I suggest you go to the bathroom and use it even though you don't want to. Trust me she gets on your case about it."

"That sounds like a pretty nice mom! Shishishishi~" You hum in thought, a finger placed on your chin with your mouth parted. Ace blushes at your adorableness. "Huh? I guess I never thought about it that way. I suppose she is?"

"So then let's hurry up and wash up already!" You nod and turn realizing there was only one tooth brush. "Hold on let me fetch some more tooth brushes." You rush out of the bathroom and head to your mom's bathroom pulling one of the drawers to find an opened case of new tooth brushes. Quickly, you rush back already wanting to start the day. You slow down starting to listen in on the voices coming from the restroom. You halt near the hallway to eavesdrop. "I don't know if we should stay here." Sabo starts as he opens the shower curtains looking around for something. "I still feel uneasy here."

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