Chapter 15: Christmas!

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(A/N): This chapter will go by days you'll notice the days at the end of each day/¶.

Note: Since this chapter is catching up to the month we are in now/ summer/ (End of marathon holidays) I will be posting the chapters ever Friday/Saturday/Sunday from now on. Thank you and enjoy my lovelies~

Day 1

It's Sunday morning. You woke up a little late today due to your room still being dark. You stir awake with a big yawn. You stretch your arms before taking a blank stare of your room. Dark. It is still dark with some lighting peering through your curtains. Tired eyes shift to your clock on your nightstand to be: 11:25a.m. You slide the curtains open to find the weather to be cold and grey. Snow slowly falling from the sky. Lips curve up to a smile. Eyes beady with stars as you watch the beautiful flakes gracefully fall from the sky. It was here. Your favorite time of year. December. Your favorite month. You've been mope all week from worrying about Ace, and the broken principle about hunting. You needed this. Excitement of this month ran through your head. Joy filling the streets with music, lights and so much more. You sir at your desk dazzled by the lovely view of snow painting a scene. Pine trees covered in snow, icicles hanging from the edge of the roof.

You hear a metallic noise from your door and the small creaking noise. You refused to peel away from the view. The shuffling approaches you until you see the person in view. Not just one but three. Luffy is the first one to reach your side. His eyes wide with the same excitement as yours.

"It's snowing (Y/n)! Did you see?" You giggle at the enthusiastic boy.

"I'm watching it now. My favorite month is here. I can't wait for it to start."

"Is it really your favorite?" Sabo asks.

"Yeah. The one time of year where everyone is in a good mood and everyone decorates their house in lights, enjoy the snow, be snug and cozy by the fire. Sure, it's also the busiest but it's the most high-spirited month of them all." The boys stare at your glowing face. They couldn't comprehend since they lived in an orphanage. Sure, there were decorations out front and a simple, small tree in the center of the office. It was usually a sad time of the year for them. A month which they grew numb to it. They felt that this month would be no different regardless of their new home. How wrong they are to believe such a thing.

"Meh, it's all the same to us." Ace says before walking out. You gasp at his bitterness. Sabo and Luffy follow the elder brother out. You tilt your head in wonder as to why he would say such a thing.

Later that day, your mom had left to go to work and advised you all to stay in for a snow storm is soon to come. You wouldn't doubt seeing as the clouds above seem endless and darker with each passing hour. Your brothers on the other hand begged to play outside even for a little while. She denied claiming they have yet to buy winter clothing for them so they wouldn't get sick. Your brothers complained but kept their promise nonetheless. It surprised you because you expected them to storm out the minute she left. They always have. It was curious as to their sudden obedience. Perhaps they have learned to be more domesticated. You wouldn't doubt it. Change does happen. The entire day you all sat in your pajamas in the living room watching a marathon of Christmas movie. Charlie Brown being one of them. You simply adored how they sometimes mentioned real life, political or economic jokes. You and Sabo were the only two to understand. Great minds think alike you suppose.

You type away on your tablet sending a spam of emojis to your friend, Cara, on Skype. She sent some back making you giggle. You were in a competition with her. Luffy peaks over your shoulder from behind the couch watching you spam someone with emojis. He saw lots of winks and hearts which didn't bother him at all. He is intrigued by the different stickers.

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