5.{The tool belt (P.1)}

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Your POV
(You're a daughter of Hermes)

It was free day at camp halfblood and I planed to spend it reading
F/b. The night before I had left it next to my bunk, but now it was gone.

Connor, what the hell have you done with my book?—I asked as I got closer to the Hermes table.
Mi brother was having breakfast alone, he was the last to finish, he always is. Connor answered as he took a big bite of his sponge cake.

What are you talking about, Y/

I hit the table with my hands
—Don't play fool with me, Stoll! You know I have no patience

I don't know what you're talking about.

I hit the table again

Did you or didn't you take my book?

Connor's eyes started shinning.
—No, but I wish I had. It would've been an amazing prank considering how much you love it.

I rolled my eyes and sat to have breakfast.

Did you ask Travis?

I sighed— Yeah... He swore on the river Styx it wasn't him, everyone else in the cabin said no and you looked very sincere about the prank thing... I have no idea where it could be.

What if it was your boyfriend, Valdez? Maybe he's the one pranking you.

You're right! Maybe it's his revenge from last time, when I...
Wait a minute...Did you just say "my boyfriend"?

What? You're still not dating?

I could already feel the color making its way to my cheeks
-Connor! I've told you a thousand of times Leo and I aren't a thing

Well, you're friends

That we are

Best friends, to be exact

Yep, nothing else

Best friends with benef...

Don't go too far

Right, like you aren't head over heels for the guy

I blushed even more
—Can you please stop...?!

Seriously, Y/n, it's pretty clear he likes you too. When are you going to confess?

I looked away and didn't answer
Okay, yeah. I liked Leo. But I was 100% sure he didn't like me

Not going to answer? Okay. Anyways, I would check and see if he has it.

You could be right... I haven't seen him all day, he might be plotting something.

I got up and left the Mess Hall, heading to Cabin 9. Nyssa greeted me, but said Leo wasn't there.
That could only mean one thing: he was in Bunker 9.
He probably had spent the night there working, without even bothering eating, so I got him something and made my way.

Yes, I know. I know he probably was the one that had stolen my book, but what could I do, I was in love with this boy.

He did it all the time, not sleep or eat just to keep working. I hated thought of him not taking care of himself, so I brought him breakfast and I planned on getting him to sleep.

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